Sep 11, 2006 17:10
Body: So today i fell off of chris lizama's fixed-gear bicycle. I was going down the hill by 45th and chowen, and went too fast for the gear. i remember my foot being caught in the front wheel fap-fap-fap-fap-fap style, and i can only assume i panicked and smashed the front (and only) brake, flipping me over the handlebars. I Lost my two front teeth, cracked another and fucked up my lower left side-of-face and inside of my mouth and my upper lip (exterior) a little too. I yelled fuck and "I've ruined my life!!!1!eleven" a lot and then rebekah olive and some chick whose name i dont know called the school & 911. mark, amelia, kevin et al showed up and gave me water. whose nalgene is that? a cop came, asked me some questions, kevin grabbed my stuff and mark took Chris' bike back. someone got me a bottle of water, but by that time the ambulance was there and i couldnt use it for anything. i got in the ambulance, spitting out a lot of blood (your tongue bleeds a lot.) they took me to methodist, where i got vitals checked etc. i got put in a bed, my parents got called,and i was given some anesthetic that hurt like a fucking bitch when it got put in but helped a lot. Teeth got pushed back in, owowowowow. then i had some xraysto make sure i didnt have any tooth pieces inside my ip before they sewed it up. did you know they give you pre heated blankets at the hospital? that's really nice. then, i got more anesthetic in my teeth and lower mouth (hurt but made a difference) and got stitches there. those hurt the worst (most painful part overall.) then, after a break, I was given anesthetic in my face which reallllly hurt bad worst of all the anesthetics but then I didnt feel the stitches in my face at all (i actually slept a little.) They gave mea percoset too which i couldnt feel doing anything but oh well. then, a final lookover and I was kicked out. Overall, I had two stiches on the underside of my tongue, five or six on the inside of my lip, and innumerable on my face (about an hour's worth. 1 stitch takes about 30 seconds or less.) My room was vacant for a total of 45 seconds when an epileptic woman was brought in. apparently theyre really busy. then i went to the dentist and got a permanent retainer put in to hold my front teeth in place. i got home at like quarter to five. can you say ordeal?