Wonderful weekend. Saw a buncha people I haven't seen in a long time and got caught up. Nikki and I made a 1hr date :P she's pretty much the most amazing thing ever...and I hate when stupid boys make her sad because she is wonderfully beautiful :) and an awesome person. I had wicked good macaroni this weekend, yum.
ok that was quite the randomness. and to you:
I can't account for all the times you called me bummed out because your friends sucked. You felt like you couldn't talk to them and they just made you hurt. I pretty much promised to never hurt you and I never did. I was always there for you, listening, talking, laughing...you knew the drill, you always had me. We've gotten pretty close over the past 6ish months and our friendship had a great amount of meaning in my life. When I was bummed I knew I could talk to you because you would listen, no matter what was up, and if you couldn't talk you made me laugh and at least got shit off my mind for a little bit. You all of a sudden have no time for me and it really, honestly makes me feel like this big horrible person. I don't know why I feel like this because I didn't really do anything, but I hate people that just blow other people 'they care about' off and they make it worse when they don't have an explanation. You made an awesome friend..oh hey! Let's just stop talking to Jess randomly for fun. We'll get really close and then BAM, one day it's over. I don't want excuses, I don't want to hear it really because you make me a little sick in the stomach. I had that obsessive, in your face, 10 text messages and 40 phones calls to figure out what was up period but I sent you that last one where I said I was finished and I am. I won't call, I won't email and I won't text you. There really is nothing I have left to say. It just totally sucks when something you are so use to, every day of your life, just gets up and disappears. Yeah, I know, I can't account for all the times you called me bummed out because your friends sucked and I probably should be able to remember, because I pretty much remember everything we talked about, but I certainly can account for the time you sucked. I trusted you and you made a promise. You're pretty much a hypocritical human being that thrives off of seeing others feel like bad. I hate people like you. You know the deal with people in my life and I trusted that you wouldn't turn around and throw shit in my face...oh, was I wrong. I find you to be immature and unable to talk through things. You get afraid, or find someone better, and run. Your friendship, if it ends like this, was certainly a big waste of 6 months in my life. A waste of minutes, texts and time. I never hurt you, I promised...and unlike you, I keep my promises.
Thanks for everything.