Gettin Gettin

Jun 09, 2021 14:03

Recently re-watched the anime and re-reading the manga and I'm going to be honest and say with some re-adapations for old ass shows I was hoping this would be one of them where they do a mostly 1:1 adaption because so much was cut from the anime that it's crazy.

Reading the manga after watching the anime first all those years ago it's "who the hell is this?" Or "I don't remember that happening" I and I'm sure many others would like to see a faithful adaption of these heterosexual life partners in the future. I got my hopes up as well when they had new merch for the series come out a year or so ago and totes missed getting a replic of Akabane's scapel as well as frames with Ban and Gin with dogs.

I'll be honest want to see the Bug arc animated just to hear Ginji say "Ban-chan, Ban-chan, Ban-chan" and that one part animated with Ban (if you've read the manga you know what I'm talking about). I guess the anime budget couldn't handle all Miroku's and Amon. Who knows what the future will hold?

Has anyone brought any GB merch that recently released? I wish there was a shirt or a mug, would have gotten it for my coffee fix.
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