summer in the stars

Aug 27, 2010 14:03


Aligning yourself with influential people doesn't always give you a clear shot at the title. Before you fool yourself into thinking that so-and-so is your ticket to paradise and/or success, you need to take a good long look at what this could turn into. Whatever favor you think that they have the power to bestow is bound to come with a few strings. Don't take anything that isn't given freely. And it might help you to remember that the belief that someone can make anything happen for us is a lie. Wake up! You need to get behind the idea that you can do this yourself.

The best thing about what's going on right now is it's giving you the opportunity to reclaim yourself. So much of what has gone down has taken away the bigger part of what makes you who you are. Accommodating people, giving everyone but you space to figure out what they want out of this, and adjusting your whole persona just to make it work has taken a toll on more than your freedom. The need to come back to center, along with a willingness to really look at what you're trying to create, will remind you that your pictures of perfection need to include you.

Nobody told you that heaven would be this chaotic! The thing you wanted more than anything else has become a bit of a problem. I'm not sure if you're in the tunnel of love or on the road to your wildest dreams, but for the first time you are seeing that you need to be careful what you wish for. What's getting to be too much will be over the top for a while. If you can summon up the strength to be the one who never gets rattled by it you will live through this. Those of you who are thinking it might be time to get off the train need to sleep on the concept for a week or two.

Don't get too excited about this - not that it isn't totally thrilling, but it's one of those things that'll be "hurry up and wait." The actions of others have much to say about how long it will take for your next move to come together. For your own part, you will find that beyond having to bow to someone else's time table, loose ends in your own reality will slow things down. People who aren't totally OK with the way you've decided to change things, and/or logistical snarls involving property and possessions will fill up your time while your vision comes together.

You can't figure out why things seem to be rearranging themselves so quickly. One day you're clear that everything's going to be all right, and the next day your perspective flips to the thought that the other shoe is bound to drop. On top of this mental seesaw, all of a sudden the spiritual component has become a big feature in your reality. If it sounds strange to suggest that this would add to your confusion, you need to consider that whenever we begin to go deeper into our purpose for being here, life automatically opens up a Pandora's Box of one thing after another.

You can't believe how easy it's been to get this going. If you're pinching yourself to see if it's real, I can see why. Sometimes things work out just the way we want them to - and when we get over the shock, we usually discover that we have a whole new set of problems to deal with. That being the case, your situation is ripe for creating anything you want, and now is the time to think about where you want it to go. Don't use any of the prescriptions that you've used in the past. Your current state of affairs is totally different and won't respond well to the old set of rules.

It seems as if everything needs to turn around. Recent epiphanies have revealed things from within and you have come to a greater awareness of your true worth. This understanding has upset the balance in your relationships, not just with people but with your whole life. For the first time, the need to either withhold or give all your power away, has transformed into the need to share it. Others, who up till now have had you under their thumb, could be totally pissed off that you finally recognize yourself! Don't let this keep you from speaking and living your truth.

The need to be recognized plays a huge part in your psychology. It's interesting because you haven't figured out that no one will recognize you until you recognize yourself. The greater part of being seen comes from knowing who you are. Things get complicated when we think anyone can do that for us. As soon as your true confidence begins to flower it won't matter who's there to applaud you for it. Ironically, the minute we begin to know who we are and what we're worth, attention ceases to be an issue and - as if by magic - we begin to attract it by default.

Concerns about someone close have you wondering if you had anything to do with their pain. If you think this is your fault you're crazy. Everyone has their own row to hoe and how they interpret their life experience is totally up to them. Whoever's coming unglued has yet to see that they either expect too much or their expectations are irrelevant to the times we're in. You can hold their hand and walk them through this but there is absolutely nothing you can do to alter the way they deal with it. Sometimes you have to sit back and let people get their lessons.

This is a gamble. You're not too sure about which way things will roll but you've got nothing to lose. Others are less enthused about what this will mean for them. If you think you can get them to drop all of their considerations and go for it, that too is a risk. The best approach would be to go about your business and keep your life moving forward. It's one of those times when, if you build it, they will follow - but don't expect anyone to get there until you've prepared a place for them. And even if they don't show up you'll be well on your way to a whole new life.

Too many things have converged simultaneously. For some of you this feels like life is finally coming together; for others it feels more like a 10 car pileup. When things get this nuts there's not much to do but wait; so what can you do while you're waiting? Meditating on the situation would be a good place to start. You need space and time to look at what's going on. Once you get the picture, you'll know more about what needs to be done. Unraveling this knot will take a while. Settle in, settle down and do whatever you can to get to the bottom of it.

You can't be held hostage for whatever it is that others seem to be blaming on you. Are they forgetting the part they played in it? You can't ignore these accusations but it won't do you any good to challenge them. If you want this to smooth over walk softly and make it clear that you're not here to hurt anyone. You might also remind everyone that all of this was their idea to begin with. This will make it easier for others to acknowledge the extent to which this most recent drama snowballed out of things that they set in motion a long time ago.

There's all kinds of stuff going on. You've been swept away and are now wrestling with the awareness that it's time to swim back to the shore or let go and allow yourself to be carried further into this dream. Trust that the dream has something to it but it may not be exactly the way you picture it now. With no clue as to whether capturing the illusion is what you need to be doing there's no incentive to return to the past. Between a rock and a hard place it's best to dissolve and become fluid enough to let the river carry your spirit deeper into the mystery.

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