Last week we went to Gammlia open-air museum to cosplay. Not all of the group could make it, unfortunately, but we did end up having a lot of fun despite not being the full group =) The museum has a lot of great scenery for photography --lots of 19th century buildings and even an old boat-- so we were able to take a bunch of really nice photos. This post does contain over 20 images, so beware if you have a slow connection.
Yes, that is Belarus sharpening her knife D:
Sweden with his people =D The workers at Gammlia wear 19th century farmer's clothing on the job.
"s-Su-san! This is not what I meant when I asked you if you could give me a hand in the kitchen!"
Thank you for looking and I hope you enjoyed! If you'd like to see more [This] is the link to our dA and [This] is the link to the previous post. I will be posting more when I have time to fiddle with html and put together another post. Also, I x-posted this to a couple of places, so I apologise if I have been spamming your f-list.