Mar 31, 2008 02:59
So after weeks of telling myself "Don't buy that stupid sandwich", I finally gave in to my love of asinine fast food creations and forked over the near-seven dollars for the "Spicy Baconator" from Wendy's. My only regret (at this moment) is that I did not have my camera with me to take a picture of it for everyone to see. I say at this moment because who knows what I'll be thinking in a matter of hours when it runs it's fiery course from one end of my body to the other. Anyways, it also further proves my point that white people love chipolte. As if that damn burger wasn't hot enough with the mountains of jalapenos they piled underneath the top bun, or the two slices of jalapeno cheese. Nay. This monstrosity of a meal was also slathered with CHIPOLTE mayo. I don't know who decided that chipolte was going to be the white man's connection to foreign flavor in the fast food world, but that shit is everywhere now... Needless to say; 10 napkins, a medium fruit punch and hundreds of blistered taste buds later, here I sit. That's pretty much all I can do at the moment, as the entire lining of my digestive tract fights to contain the acid burger I just shoved down my throat.
Taste: (8/10) Initally it tastes great, but the searing pain you'll endure half-way through will make you stop and wonder if it was the right thing to do.
Value: (5/10) Definitely not the meal for the "Dollar Menunaire." At nearly five bucks for the burger and another dollar seventy-something for a medium drink (trust me you won't want anything smaller and Wendy's does NOT have free refills) it's definitely not something I'd recommend doing more than once... ever.
Experience: (7/10) I really like food... and I really don't enjoy pain. Don't give me both. Please? It was a damn good burger though.