monday was HALLOWEEN!, it was pretty cool, haha. Me and Bitt dressed Jordan up as a girl, it was soo funny. He got many compliments on his bust. I just loked like a hooker. Elena came a bit later and we just went down dickey, and thats prettty umch it, besides we went to Jeffs, but he was a meanie. Yesterday was take your kids to work day. My god that was boring, but oh wellllll. We photocopied our hands, and i did my face, but it didn't turn out cause i was scared i was going to go blind. There was a hottie, but we only got to see him for an hour. :(. Ohhh welllll
Well we went into winners, that was pretty fun, tried on 350$ fur coats. (not real animal)
Today at lunch was good. yes
Fine arts was the relief of the day