Jun 02, 2005 15:48

i definetly miss tifany a lot :(
and i love stacey a lot too and um this saturday
WE'RE HANGIN OUT .. CAN WE GET A HELL YEAH? <--staceys thing
it just makes me wanna pee sometimes...

o00ohh i wrote maria the longest bestest note evverr!!
it made me so warm & fuzzy inside.. =o

ok.. one of my best friends is getting soooo annoying
like clinging to me a lot,, and like just annoying.
w/e i hope this phase passes :(

im not in love with you
im in lust with you

lust is like sex i think lol idk but it sounded sweett

i <3 stacey&tifany for life yoo
and sarah and maria <3 *

comment -- and dont be a pussy -- LEAVE YOUR NAME =o
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