GHL Round 3 - Masterlist Submissions

Dec 10, 2008 13:47

Hello everybody,

long time, no see. It's been a while since the last round of Get House Laid. No worries, there will be a forth round. However, the current mods have decided that it's time this community was given into the care of someone who still loves the House fandom as much as they did on the first day. Therefore, recrudescence and I have asked cryptictac to take over, and luckily, she accepted. \o/

I had a lot of fun modding this comm for the last three rounds. You were all awesome, and I'm hoping that this fest will continue to be as prolific as it has proved to be up until now. Because there can never be too much smutty fanfic.

Round three of GHL is now officially closed for any submissions. This round brought the House fandom thirty-six stories and one piece of fanart. We have compiled a masterlist of all submissions with links to each piece of fanwork.


How They Found Out (arhh)
House/Wilson -- 3 ways the new ducklings find out.

Animal Comparisons (benjimmy and nemesishamartia)
House/Wilson -- House isn't leaving Wilson alone no matter what does, so he tries to ignore House and read an article all the way through foreplay, the sexual act itself, climax and afterglow.

Headliners (benjimmy)
House/Wilson -- House gets off on Wilson's dirty talk in public, without anyone knowing.

Show Stopper (benjimmy and nemesishamartia)
House/Wilson -- House and Wilson are in an established relationship. They fucked in Wilson's office and were caught on security tapes. Cuddy takes the tapes home for personal use.

Till Death Do Us Part (benjimmy and nemesishamartia)
House/Wilson -- House has sex with a dead Wilson.

Spring 2009 (cindy_lou_who8)
House/Wilson -- Wilson cries. House kisses him to shut him up. Things go from there.

Blind (eitherwayokay)
House/Wilson -- House catches Wilson checking out one of the male nurses and decides to take advantage of it.

The Lasting Influence of Ancient Rome (euclase)
House/Wilson -- House learns that Wilson, too, speaks more than one language and is properly turned on by it.

Bet You Can't (highlander_ii)
House/Wilson -- Wilson develops a thing for House's voice. After they get together, Wilson challenges House to get him off by talking, without ever touching him. House takes this challenge very, very seriously.

Cool Uncle Greg (hwshipper)
House/Wilson -- Wilson gets fed up with House. Angry/Hate!sex ensues.

Love Means Always Having to Say You're Sorry Dammit (jane-hidell)
House/Wilson -- House needs to be punished for his betrayals (after either the Vogler arc or the Tritter arc).

Obsession (jane-hidell)
House/Wilson -- House and Wilson must share a hotel room. With only one bed.

Provoke Your Bliss (jane-hidell)
House/Wilson -- Physical fight leading to physical love.

A Hot Way To Cool Off (jessiek1119)
House/Wilson -- established relationship. There's a heat wave in New Jersey, so somebody has the idea of creatively using ice cubes.

Phoning It In (l57371)
House/Wilson -- Wilson is having phone sex with ??? when House walks in the apartment. Odd Couple Arc.

Nobody Lies (lilyleia78)
House/Wilson -- Either House or Wilson (or both?) somehow ends up on truth serum and ends up admitting to things they themself(ves) didn't know.

Sweet Dreams (lilyleia78)
House/Wilson -- House cannot resist how sexy Wilson is when he sleeps. Pref. non-established and on the couch.

9 Days, 7 Hours and 22 Minutes (littlemissgg)
House/Wilson -- established relationship. Been together so long things are slowly getting boring in the bedroom, House takes it upon himself to seduce Wilson all over again. Wilson approves.

Something New To Try (madwriter223)
House/Wilson -- rimming. Wilson wants to try it, House is skeptic but in the end caves -- and likes it a lot.

Balcony (orb01)
[ART] House/Wilson -- Sex in public, with or without getting caught.

Life Is Short (Eat Dessert First) (phinnia)
House/Wilson -- "Honestly, House, you'd do anything to steal my lunch! Well, you would do anything to make me eat better, pack better ones!"

The World's Worst Vampire (srsly_yes)
House/Wilson -- AU vampire!sex.

Betting For A Bike (swirlsofblue)
House/Wilson -- House loses his motorcycle to Wilson at poker. He starts planning in order to get it back.

Blind Date (swirlsofblue)
House/Wilson -- They independently decide to explore dating men, and end up on a blind date with each other.

Hate (words_ephemeral)
House/Wilson -- "There are so many things I hate about you right now."

Behind Closed Doors (cadeira)
House/Wilson, House/Kutner -- "What the hell did we just do?"

Someone Else's Pain (ladymurha)
House/Chase -- hurt/comfort after Chase's father leaves in S1.


Purgatory (angelfirenze)
House/Cuddy -- In the wheelchair he was using, she won't let him get up.

What Goes Missing (tree)
House/Cuddy -- pregnancy

Straight On (aithlyn)
Cuddy/Chase -- post "All In." They're both exhausted, but who can sleep after a night like that? And Chase still hasn't gotten any fuzz.

Bruises (rolleson)
Cuddy/Chase -- Cuddy makes up for what that mean old House did to Chase

Meaningless (enigma731)
Chase/Cameron -- She's addicted to sex with Chase. She wants to know where he learned his skills.

Little Bruises (vitawash24)
Chase/Cameron -- he gets nasty drunk and it leads to non-consensual sex. Or just very rough. Either one.

Journal Entry - A Dream (highlander_ii)
House/Cameron -- bathroom!sex (but be creative, the hospital is banned!)

Three- and Moresomes

A Spinning Coin (hwshipper)
House/Wilson/OMCs -- Group sex.

Wilson On My Mind (hwshipper)
House/Wilson/Prostitute -- House with a prostitute (male or female!) and thinking of Wilson instead.

Duplex (triedunture)
House/Wilson/OMC -- Someone who looks exactly like House is wandering around the hospital for no apparent reason and keeps being mistaken for the cranky doctor, except for the fact that he’s smiling. Wilson, thinking this is House, finds himself fascinated.

mod post: round 3, masterlist: round 3

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