Title: Mile High Club
Author: Nemesis (Nems)
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None, really.
Summary: Written for the
get_house_laid prompt 014. House/Wilson -- sex in an airplane.
Disclaimer: Oh, come on. Does anyone actually bother reading this? Hoping for some amusement, perhaps? The real amusement is beyond the lj-cut. I thought up lovely stuff for you to read beyond there, and you're reading this drivel instead.
A/N: Beta-ed by my wonderfully patient and *helpful* wives, Brit and Cris. Again, this fic is for Cris! Just 'cause. I'm running out of reasons beyond the just 'cause :D
Dr. House would like to take this time and space to remind you that "puppies shouldn't be kicked, Chase is a whore, and reviews are love." Dr. Wilson would like to add, "Favorite lines are much appreciated, I'm told." Nems likes reviews, they keep him writing lots and lots!
“Apparently, the airport is going through the Great Wheelchair Shortage.”