Man, I'm Bored Again...

Jun 09, 2005 03:21

.what real name would you hate to be called?.: Robert
.if you died, which place would you hate to be buried at?.:water.i fucking hate water
.which skittle tastes the worst?.: yellow
.what is the worst place to go on a date?.: the sun, talk about pit stains
.most obnoxious "clique" out there and why?.: Bam margera anyone?
.least favorite outfit that you still wear to this day?.:I only wear clothes once
.most hated book ever read and why?.: the bible, what a crock of shit

.favorite fast food meal?.: The Double Arches fer sher
.what color is your most loved hair brush?.: i don't brush my hair
.age range of your t.v./movie crush?.: how old is taylor rain?
.favorite type of dinosaur?.: brontosoraus
.favorite scene with your t.v./movie crush in it?. DPs!
.your most loved pair of underwear?.:the tight whiteys I got from billy bo

.worst pair of shoes you own?.: They are both awesome
.most obnoxious thing you've ever done in a store?.: knocked over an animal cracker display..thanks courtney :)
.worst thing you've ever done in a restaurant?.: take a shit in the upper deck of their toilet
.what's your worst habit?.: crackin my neck
.favorite song you'd die if anyone else found out?.: don't worry about it
.weirdest turn-on you have?.: lets just say i wish i was a giraffe
.most sexy cartoon character?.: Betty Boop

.meanest thing you ever said to a friend?.: I hope he dies
.favorite same-sex pairing?.: Patti Botox <3
.favorite food to gorge out on?.: Watermelon
.worst thing you've ever done in school and got away with?.: put dead fish in a locker
.worst outfit/item of clothing you got away with wearing at school?.: i hate my school
.longest time you've taken a shower/bath?.: 2 hour bath, I fell asleep after a show.
.what item do you waste the most?.: emotion

.funniest thing a friend has ever done?.: Chris K's
.best thing you've ever thrown out of a car?.: dead animals, man they smell
.favorite movie to make fun of?.: porn
.worst thing you've done in your job/community service.?: beat off
.a time you peed your pants from laughing so hard.?: when courtney and i first tryed riding the unicycle
.stupidest thing you've done to insult someone.?: i have no idea
.worst movie cover ever.?: Pie

.*Have You Ever....

Said "I Love You" and meant it: of course i meant it
Gotten in a fight with your pet: fuck you romeo
Been to California: i fuckin wish
Been to Mexico: mexican herb man
Been to China: no
Been to Canada: blame canada
Been to Europe: eventually
Danced naked: fuck yeah
Wish you were the opposite sex: F that S

.*Right Now....

Do you have a crush on someone: something like that
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: not unitl she dies
What's under your bed: another bed
Favorite sport to watch: hockey
Location: Erics house...3:40am
Piercings/Tattoos: almost 7/16th ears, lip, sparrow
Do you drink: like a fish
What are you most scared of: Losing what little I have

Where do you want to get married: skydiving
Who do you really hate: don't be hatin
Do you have a job: not exactly
Do you like being around people: sometimes
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: i know that feeling
Have you ever cried: emo is my really moe just jumbled all around
Are you lonely right now: sorta
Song that's stuck in your head a lot: Her New man-RCR <3

.*Have you ever....

Been in love: yes sir
Played strip poker: you know it
Gotten beaten up: they don't call me muscles for nothin
Pulled an all nighter: right now
Been on radio/tv: soon
Been in a mosh-pit: yep

.*In the last 24 Hours have you....

Cried: kinda just a tear
Bought something: 64 oz soda for 1.49...i don't think you understand how big 64oz is!
Gotten sick: nope
Sang: of course
Been kissed: no
Had sex: humans and dolphins are the only 2 mammals on earth that have sex for pleasure
Felt stupid: real bad
Talked to an ex: yeah
Missed someone: everyday
Hugged someone: yeah
Been sexually molested: i swear,i burned my neck on a hair straightener :)
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