Apr 06, 2005 21:51
JULIE!! i really have no idea what i would do with out you....just now i thought i was gunna go phsyco but of course you were there to save the day! i know i can tell you anything and you always no what to say to make me feel better! and i know i say this everytime i come to you bout my problems but i truely no why your my best freind and i couldnt ask for anyone better! you only have a few true friends in your life and i know you are one of them...i hope we stay friends for ever..cause having someone like you in my life will only benefit me for the better! i hope i help you out like you help me and i hope you know you can come to me for anything cause i will always be here for you no matter what...I LOVE YOU!!B.F.F.E.N.M.W.T.T.D.W.D!!!!