a sad day..

Jun 15, 2006 11:12

it's an end of en era. after two and a half years of fun, of travels, through bad times and good, our relationship is finally over..

yes, it's true. alice has a new phone!!

haha yes its bye-bye motorola c350 hellooo sony ericsson k510i. (of course i have no idea what these numbers mean but it sounds like i do)

let us put this in context. i got my motorola back in august/september 2003. i was 16. me and the grills had recently returned from salou. we were just starting 6th year. i hadn't started working in pollok house yet. the fact that it had polyphonic ringtones was new!

now i have a camera, mp3, video, bluetooth aww yeah its crazy.

i love it. but my wee motorola will always have a special place in my heart : )


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