May 12, 2006 15:14
in answer to wan's question of when we finish exams..
fuckin yesterday mate!!
haha yas. sorry. no more rubbing in. i promise. except for right now when im going to tell you all the things i did yesterday.
exam finished 11.30, the experience of which we shall not speak. walked about a bit with rebecca, had a massai lunch and started drinking magners at 12.15 :)
got wkd there too, then on the pear tree to sit in the sun and have a jack d, midori, and a pint of hoegaarden. eventually left pear tree at 5, came home to watch neighbours and phone lovely matthew and have a shower and get ready. went out at 9 to go for a chinese buffet thing for laura's birthday and had a pint of fosters there. me laura weez danni rachel dave kirsty and jonathan.
stopped in the red bull or the black bull or something for a drink. hmm..guessing it was not called the red bull. anyway, got a single vodka lemonade for £2.69.
then eveeentually got to massa and paid £5 to get in, put my coat in, then realised it wasnt to all of our tastes. stayed to wait for danni's friends and make the most of £1 a drink, so i got 3 vodkas in there.
left coz it was rubbish and taxied it to stereo, £4 to get in. food + daytime drinking = alice not getting too drunk. so i stopped drinking there. danced a bit, talked a bit. jonathan is apparently my new best friend coz we both have good music taste and dimples.
met jackie in the toilets but forgot to go find her later.
home, water, bed.
today i have done nothing and im fucking proud of it.
now: shower, train, roomtolet.
peace&love xx
p.s. i kept hitting the wrong keys when writing this and sounded kinda irish. when writing 'things' i wrote 'tings' and when writing 'shite' i wrote 'shoite'. haha, i thought it was funny.