Jul 31, 2013 18:46
It occurs to me belatedly that I really should have announced this here. Sorry about that. It's been so long since posting to lj was second nature, and that does make me sad. D:D:D:
As mentioned at various times and in various places, the confirmed dates for get/together 2013 are the weekend of the 5th and 6th October, with festivities commencing on Friday 4th, and farewells Monday 7th if you're around.
If you have a twitter account, then make sure you follow @get__together, as that does tend to be where I make announcements in the heat of the moment. If not, I promise all future updates will arrive here in a more timely fashion.
Start thinking about presentations you might like to make, questions you'd like to submit for discussion, and just generally getting in the mood. It's only nine weeks away!
ETA: check comment thread from Dewey to call early dibs on accommodation if you need it.