Preferred first name: Carmel
I have a different handle at DW/AO3: I am tamarillow on dreamwidth too. And willowberry on AO3, not that I've done anything with the account but leave kudos so far.
Reader/Writer/Vidder/All of the Above: Reader, mostly lurking.
My current primary fandom: Avengers movieverse.
My current secondary fandom(s): Naruto, inception
Fandom(s) I’ve broken up with: I don't ever really breakup with fandoms. For example I've recently been re-reading a bit of Star Wars even.
OTP forever: It's really strange but for comics!verse avengers my OTP is very much Steve/Tony, but with movie!verse, I have really jumped on the Clint/Coulson bandwagon, and don't care much about Steve or Tony.
OTP sometimes: I'm willing to read most pairings at least once, although my id can be very picky sometimes.
OTP never, baby! I'm OT3/OTTeam/OT? all the way: *Shrugs* I'll try reading most pairings/groupings at least once.
My bullet proof kink: Shapeshifting mostly. Although not knotting.
My major league squick: noncon dubcon
My guilty pleasure: Yeah, that would soulbonds. Also sometimes I'm really in the mood for really terrible Harry Potter fics...
My comment on slash is: yay
My comment on fandom more generally is: \o/.
Coke/Coke Zero/Diet Coke/Sprite/Juice: Juice.
Tea/Coffee: Tea AND coffee.
Blue Top/Calci-Trim Milk: Blue top.
I would prefer junk food/I would prefer crudites: Yum. Especially potato chips.
I will likely come for dinner Friday: No.
I will likely come for dinner Saturday: Yes.
I will likely come for dinner Sunday: Probably?