absurdly late registration

Oct 05, 2009 14:34

Preferred first name: Tui

Reader/Writer/Vidder/All of the Above: Reader mostly, writer in one fandom plus Yuletide.

My primary fandom: The Young Wizards series by Diane Duane. My absolute favourite thing about g/t was the way I'd say "Oh, Young Wizards, you've never heard of them" and three people would say "by Diane Duane." That NEVER happens. <3333

My secondary fandom(s): Currently reading: due South, Leverage, Merlin. Have read in (most recent to least recent: SGA, SPN, DC, SGA again, Smallville (a LONG time ago, well before SGA ate fandom), Harry Potter plus a double handful of smaller fandoms. Watch vids in: all the above plus BSG, Joss Whedon shows, Stargate SG-1, Farscape, Doctor Who. I would so watch Glee and Gilmore Girls vids if there were any.

OTP forever: Choosing to define this as OTPs that make me cry if they're broken: Tom/Carl, Parker/Eliot/Hardison, Merlin/Arthur (honourable exception for Merlin/Arthur/Gwen/Morgana with a side of Lancelot), McKay/Sheppard, Remus/Sirius (OTP OF DEAD), Ron/Hermione, Clark/Lex, John/Aeryn, Rory/Paris

OTP sometimes: Nita/Kit, Nita/LP, Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio, Fraser/Kowalski, Sam (Carter)/Jack *ducks and runs*, Ronon/Teyla/Rodney/John, Harry/Ginny, Tim/Steph, Tim/Bart/Kon, Tim/Dick, Cassie/Cissie, Cass/Steph, Supes/Lois even though Superman is a dick, Kara/Lee, Buffy/Angel, Angel/Cordelia, Wes/Gunn/Fred, Xander/Anya, Willow/Tara, Jack/Ianto, Jack/Rose/Nine, Jack/Rose/Ten I could seriously and for reals go on and on and on.

My definition of slash is: Contextual. Fiction written by fans, mostly women, featuring a same-sex relationship with or without sexual content (but the relationship must be romantic).

I like slash because: It's diabolical and nutritious! Sometimes I like slash because it develops a relationship between two characters that I feel have great chemistry (Rory/Paris.) Sometimes I like it because it's the best way to read a show (Clark/Lex, McKay/Sheppard) - i.e. it's more revealing. Sometimes I like it because two characters are really in love but heterosexism means that relationship won't be explored fully on-screen (Fraser/Kowalski, Tom/Carl). I always enjoy the element of subversiveness to slash and the opportunity to read about queer characters.

I discovered slash by: I read some Remus/Sirius at fanfiction.net one time and a) I realised how IN LOVE they were instantly and b) it was deeply hot. (I thought at the time.)

My bullet proof kink: D/s. Pegging!

My major league squick: Lifestyle BDSM, bloodplay

My guilty pleasure: Breakup-makeup and kidfic, though not usually at the same time.

I first found out about (my first) g/t from/by: A couple of people on my flist have been going for awhile but I probably would never have come if I hadn't met china_shop earlier this year. ETA: I worried this sounds like I don't like the other people on my flist. I do! A lot! But I'm shy and need direct invitations.

sign-ups, 2009

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