Registration Form 2008
I need to broaden my horizons....Help!!
Preferred first name: Ange or Angela is fine
My primary fandom: Umm /0\ Highlander. lol
My secondary fandom: Torchwood
OTP forever: Duncan/Methos - I know I am a sad sad woman
OTP sometimes: Dr/Jack Jack/Ianto (now that it's truly canon) :P
My definition of slash is: Hawt men doing hawt stuff...mmmm yeah.
I like slash because: Its fun, sexy, and sometimes it's so much better than what is actually happening on the screen.
I discovered slash by: reading fantic on the web, being directed by friends to certain fanfic archives, and it just started from there
My bullet proof kink: still deciding
My major league squick: under-age non-consensual, this will cure you of all your worries...blah
My guilty pleasure: The top being topped. *rolls eyes*
I first found out about (my first) g/t from/by: My friends
sethra2000 and
cross_stitchery Plus I had heard that it was much fun...and I wanted to join in the fun!!