Get/Together 2015 will be held the weekend of 3rd and 4th October, plus the usual frivolity Friday 2nd and Monday 5th for anyone who's in town.
We'll be based at St Christopher's again (same location as last two years), many thanks to
china_shop for being our point person on this.
I know there was some discussion last year about whether it's still worth booking accommodation at the Brentwood given we're no longer based in Kilbirnie. I'll leave that to someone else (
dewey3067?) to make a post about and you can talk there.
I will be putting up the content volunteers' post shortly though! Please start thinking about what you might present. Otherwise it'll be just the pub quiz, my thoughts on Fast and Furious part two -- the foursomeing, and my oral history of get/together. Rapidly followed by my mental breakdown. So. Um. Volunteer please. ;-p