Hey Guys! I really did mean to post this yesterday but uhhhh my laptop cable died and so I had to wait till I had a chance to buy a new one :)
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"Anything For Love" by astolat and Speranza. Multifandom - Fannish meta about how friendship can lead you into different fandoms.
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"This is Everything" by morrigan291 - Star Trek (multiple) - Worth reading the uploader notes.
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"Gun" by starlightandstatic. Pacific Rim - I feel like this vid is the flip side to Sound the Bells.
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"Hurt" by thatfangirl. Batman Beyond - Summary: "You could have it all." Spoilers for Return of the Joker.
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"The Sower" by Chaila. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I miss this show!
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"Machine" by Yunuen. Iron Man. "I'm hooked into, hooked into machine."
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"Orange Crush" by gwyn. Captain America movies. Time to serve your conscience.
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"It's Still Science Fiction To Me" by azurish. Multifandom - Science Fiction feels!
let me know if any questions or if I said I would link to anything else!
special bonus vid! The vid I showed at the end of my non-gore Hannibal pimp is the gory
"If Somebody Hurts You" by KatrinDepp.