Jul 29, 2008 16:27
I swear these questions are blatantly idiotic and some of them border on 'who cares?' but I think this shows either how uneducated many Mericans are, or are just lemmings.
*Points to cliff* Look! There's a cliff over there, why don't you all just go that way?
Underneath is what was mailed to all union members of the AFL-CIO
Does he wear a flag
pin on his lapel?
many presidential candidates,
sometimes he wears a flag pin,
sometimes he wears a breast
cancer awareness pin, sometimes
he wears his U.S. Senate
membership pin and other times
he wears no pin at all.
is he a ChrisTian?
but not always. Like1
In 1985, he began working as
a community organizer with a
Christian church-based group
seeking to improve the living
conditions in poor Chicago
Barack Obama took the3
was he sworn in on
The BiBle?
oath of office on his personal
family bible. It was Minnesota
Congressman Keith Ellison who
was sworn in on the Koran.
was he Born in
certificate indicates he was born in
Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961,
at 7:24 P.M.
Barack Obama always places
Does he plaCe his hanD
oVer his hearT when
he saYs The pleDge?
his hand over his heart during the
pledge of allegiance.
Barack Obama’s birthHe is a committed Christian.