Oct 31, 2012 21:58
Happy Halloween to everyone (if you observe) happy 31st of October (to those who don't) I am happy to announce that between 2 am and 9 am my mom's dog Savanna had 7 puppies. A fairly large litter but it appears (only 12 hours in for some of them) that they are all healthy, none of them seem to be really runty. So fingers crossed that they all make it. My poor mom was up all night with Savanna because she didn't make any noise as she labored away so my mom had to keep an eye out and help her if she needed it. They are all adorable. Some boy, some girls (my mom lost track) but YAY PUPPIES.
I wanted to say thank you for all the wonderful cookies on my profile. End of the month, I have been really busy with the Water District and haven't had time to hardly get online. Thank you, my friends. I appreciate each and every one of you. *hugs*
I'll take my camera over and take pics of the puppies soon.
i am loved,
i have the best friends,