Coyote and Wolf - part three

Jun 15, 2009 16:35

Sam was quiet; the hairs on the back of his neck were standing up and he knew he was in danger. Where had Dean and Dad brought him? Feeling wood under his knees he quickly got up, one hand on Dean. Looking up, he saw Dad standing in front of Bobby, holding him back. Sam grabbed the duffel bag and quickly got into his clothes. Sniffing, he found they were starting to go ripe. Didn’t Dean know how to do the damn laundry?

They must be at Bobby place, but why? Sam looked at Dean who was watching Bobby and Dad in the doorway. “Dad?” Sam asked wondering if they were safe. John turned and looked at Sam and then he let Bobby go.

“Sam?” Bobby asked, and Sam nodded. “And that’s Dean?”

“What, you don’t believe your own eyes?” John asked.

“When they see something like this, yeah I don’t believe them. Is he safe?” Bobby asked Dean.

“If Sam’s good, Dean’s good,” John said.

Bobby looked at Sam. “What’s happened to you boys?”

“We don’t know, Bobby.” Sam sat down and put Dean’s collar on before he got Dean to lie down at his feet, though his eyes never left the other man. “We were hoping you could help us figure this out.”

“This is why you gave me those hunts,” Bobby said, and Sam nodded.

Springing into action, he had Dean on his feet as he walked quickly over to some notebooks. Grabbing a pen and telling John to sit his ass down, Bobby got ready to write. “Tell me what happened.”

So Sam did, leaving off the kiss, but he told him about how he had changed, then Dean had that night. It never varied - Sam was a coyote during the day and Dean was a wolf at night. They had little or no memory of what happened to them while they were animals. He told him about the notes they had left to one another. Sam told Bobby that if this was a curse he couldn’t think of anyone, and trust him they both had been thinking about it, who would curse them. Then he hesitated, unsure if he needed to tell Bobby more, but Bobby prompted him.

“I was having visions, seeing the future, but when this happened they just stopped,” Sam admitted.

Bobby looked thoughtful. He scribbled some more stuff in his notebook. “I need to do a little research, but I think I know where to look. Maybe tomorrow we can find out what’s going on. But don’t worry Sam, we’ll figure this out.”

“Dean’ll need to go outside soon,” Sam said, and Bobby jumped up.

“Let me get Rumsfeld in his kennel,” he said.

Sam nodded.

Slipping the collar on Dean, Sam took him outside and let him run. Rumsfeld went crazy barking but, Dean looked at him once and then ignored him; he was busy marking up everything. Sam watched Dean going around Bobby’s property and wondered just why they were here. It would have been nice if Dean had left him a note, but he got the feeling that there hadn’t been time.

It actually took four days and by the time Bobby had finished his preparations, it was night again and Sam was watching him pacing around. He looked hesitant, but finally he asked if Sam and Dean would stand inside his devil’s trap. John had objected, saying that they had already been tested with holy water. It was news to Sam, but Bobby just nodded. Explaining that with the magic he was going to be casting, they needed all the protection they could have.

Sam just nodded tiredly and asked Bobby where he wanted them. Setting a comfortable chair underneath the trap on his ceiling, Bobby had him sit with Dean nearby; they couldn’t touch during the test. Sam didn’t know how to explain it to Dean so he just settled him a little ways away where he could keep eye contact, hoping that his force of personality could keep him still.

Getting the feeling that Bobby didn’t do ritual magic that often, Sam watched him begin. Dad sat in an out of the way corner. He hadn’t told Sam what he was doing, saying it was just diagnostics. Soon Sam could see a deep red glow around Dean and, glancing down, around him too. It changed to orange and Bobby made a noise. Sam glanced up at him, Bobby looked surprised. To be honest, he looked shocked, like he had been expecting something else. Then the language he was using changed and Sam didn’t recognize it. The glow around them changed too. A bright green around Dean and a royal blue around Sam that merged to create a dark muddy blue. Bobby was pacing around the outside of the trap and again he changed his language. Dean was surrounded by a bright white light and Sam was surrounded by a black one.

“Do you see it John?” Bobby stopped chanting and asked. John made an affirmative sound and with a word Bobby ended the spell.

Sam called Dean to him and ran his hands across Dean, more upset by what had happened then he let on. He couldn’t stop his fingers from shaking. Dean nudged his neck and licked at his face and Sam felt oddly better. “What,” Sam swallowed wetting his dry throat, “what just happened?”

“I’ve got to do more research,” Bobby said and wandered off to another part of the house.

“Dad?” Sam looked at John, who looked shocked.

“It’s complicated Sam,” his dad told him.

Sam made a frustrated noise and Dean huffed. Taking some calming breaths, he ran his hand though Dean’s fur pressing his fingers against Dean’s warm skin. He was unsure if touching Dean calmed him down or if he calmed so he could touch Dean. However it was, he was just glad it worked. “Then explain it to me, please?” Sam asked.

“Let’s wait until Bobby gets back; it might be nothing.”

“Dad, nothing that has happened to us has been nothing,” Sam said flatly.

“Maybe nothing was the wrong word. It might not be what we think it is.”

Sam sighed. “And what do you think it is?” He kind of folded into himself; it had to be bad if Dad wouldn’t even try to explain.

Bobby walked back into the room holding a book on aura reading of all things. “I think I know what happened, but not why.” Sitting across from Sam, he flipped the book open. “First, I need you both to listen; you too, Dean, if you can understand me. Then I need you to think about what I said and don’t either one of you idiots open your mouth for a half an hour. Finally, you will tell me what you think and I will tell you what I’ve figured out.” He waited until he got affirmative nods from John and Sam.

“Aura reading is tricky - there are specific meanings for each color, but the meaning changes depending on what kind of reading you are doing. Part of the problem is that there are shades of colors that also need to be read.” Bobby pulled a pair of reading glasses out of his pocket and looked at the two Winchester men, daring them to say anything.

“First, was red - deep red around both of you, it means that you are realistic and strong-willed, you both do what you need to do in order to survive.” Duh, Sam thought. “Then it changed to orange,” Bobby stumbled over the word and Sam looked at him and, oh my good freaking lord, was he blushing? Bobby avoided looking at Sam, John or Dean, which was quite a feat. “It means lust.” Bobby blushed an even brighter red, “Between the two of you.”

Sam jumped and whipped his head around to look at Dad, who was just staring straight ahead. Was this what he didn’t want to talk about? He knew about Sam’s not so brotherly love of Dean. Not Dean the wolf, but Dean the man. Bobby cleared his throat and Sam looked back at him.

“Next was a change, different colors around both of you. Dean had a bright green aura, which means he’s a healer, and a love-centered person.” Sam’s eyes were locked on Dean’s bright green ones. Dean was the one who had always tried to play peacemaker, to heal what was broken between Dad and him. Sam couldn’t count the number of times they had had to bandage themselves up and Dean had always made him feel better with just a touch.

“You Sam, you had a bright blue and that says that you are clairvoyant, highly spiritual and very generous. Then it changed to a muddy blue around both of you; it means you have a fear, of the future and of speaking the truth.” Bobby looked as Sam and Dean, took a deep breath and continued.

“Finally, Dean was surrounded by a white light, which would usually mean purity and truth, almost angelic qualities.” At that Sam snorted, he couldn’t be talking about Dean. Bobby went on, ignoring Sam’s noise. “And you Sam,” Bobby looked very serious. “Black, which would usually mean unforgiveness and a deep seated greed.”

Sam opened his mouth to protest and Bobby held up his hand. “I don’t think that is what either Dean’s or your colors mean. What you couldn’t see from where you sat was the way the colors were moving, being drawn towards one another; there was a Taijitu, a yin-yang symbol, forming clearly between you. Like you were two halves of a whole or like one of you is missing something and the other is trying to fix it.” Bobby sighed. “I need to do some more research. . . again.” Standing, he looked at the three people, if Dean as a wolf still a person. “Also, Sam. . .. Someone has done some major witchcraft on you; there are demons messed up in it somehow. It’s messy, but it’s there. Now do as I said and THINK! I’ll be back in a bit and we can talk.”

Sam opened his mouth at least five times in the half hour, intending to say something to Dad but there was a look on John Winchester’s face that told him now was not the time. So Sam thought, and thought about what Bobby had told him, had told them. He reminded himself to make sure to type Dean a note later. Bobby walked back in the room and Dad spoke up, “Sam is not evil, Bobby.”

Feeling a weight lift from him that he hadn’t even known he was carrying, Sam stared in a kind of astonishment at Dad. Dean pushed nearer Sam and when Sam patted his side Dean was trying to climb in the chair with him. “Damn it, Dean,” Sam said and pushed him out of the chair. Getting him settled, he looked over at Bobby who was watching it all with an amused look on his face.

“Never said he was, John.”

Sam looked at Dean because he didn’t want to look at either John or Bobby; he didn’t want to have to explain to the two men about what he felt for Dean.

“Did either of you two come up with anything? And no Sam, we don’t want to know about your feelings for Dean, or his for you for that matter; I think it was pretty clear.” Bobby seemed to have gotten over his embarrassment. Dad cleared his throat and Sam raised his eyes, dreading to see what was in them.

“Sam, have you?”

“No, no dad.”

“But you want to?” John asked, more a statement than a question, but Sam answered it anyway.

“Yes, if we weren’t changing, we would be together.” Sam lifted his chin, daring his father to say something.

“So what stopped you?” Bobby asked, and Sam looked at him confused. “What stopped you from being together before you changed?” He asked like he had an idea and was waiting for confirmation.

Sam blushed and looked down. “I. . . we had just admitted, um, our feelings and this happened.”

Bobby crowed in victory and Sam looked at him in astonishment. “Love, it’s love that’s done this to you two.” Then he calmed down and looked at both of them - at the three of them.

“You said witchcraft was involved,” John said. “Could it be responsible for this?” Sam wasn’t sure if the ‘this’ Dad was talking about was Sam and Dean’s current condition or the fact that Sam and Dean were in love.

Bobby nodded. “I can’t figure it all out, but someone put some powerful protections on this boy,” he nodded at Sam. “You need to talk to someone who knows about this stuff.”

“No, Bobby. I can’t.” John said.

“Then don’t. He and Dean can make it there just fine. They’ve been doing good by themselves.”

Sam watched as Bobby and Dad fought, kind of. By then end Dad had agreed to go, but only if he could take Sam.

“I’m not going anywhere without Dean,” Sam stated flatly. Watching as Dad ran a hand through his hair, Sam’s fingers tightened in Dean’s fur.

“Sammy,” John started and then stopped himself. “Sam, this thing between you boys might be hurting you. Ellen will hopefully be able to tell us at least something about what’s going on.”

“Witches are evil. You told us that.”

“In this world, there is more than one kind of witch. You met Missouri - tell me she’s evil.” He gave a short laugh. “Hell, I wanna see you tell her. You said you were having vision and you aren’t evil. Sam, when I told you that,” John looked down at his clasped hands, “I didn’t understand like I do now. Ellen Harvelle is the most talented witch I know. I used to hunt with her husband.”

“Used to?”

John looked half angry and half sad. “He died on a hunt, and she blames me for his death. Once she was friends with your mother, but she threatened to kill me the next time she saw me.”

“That seems to happen to you a lot,” Sam quipped and Bobby laughed.

“He’s got you there, John.”

“Anyway,” John continued, “she would be our best hope in finding out what is going on. Bobby’s got a safe place for Dean and he can explain what’s happening to him in the morning.”

Sam looked at Bobby and he nodded. “You can keep him safe? He’s very strong and he’s never changed without me there. . .I don’t know.” It hurt Sam’s heart to think about Dean feeling abandoned.

“I can keep him safe; besides, it’s only for one night.”

Sam looked at Dad. “Promise?”

John nodded and Sam told him he needed to hear him say the words. “I promise we’ll be back the next day.”

Then Sam relaxed, knowing that John Winchester would die before breaking his word.


When Dean woke up the next day, Sam was gone. Flying out of Bobby’s spare room in a panic, he ran into the man in the kitchen. “Sam’s gone. Is he outside?” Dean asked, even though he knew deep in his soul that he wasn’t.

“Dean, sit down,” Bobby said setting a cup of coffee on the kitchen table in front of him.

“But. . . Sam. We need to get him. Where’s Dad? He’ll help me look. Bobby, he’s gone. He’s been taken. Who would take Sam? Dad? Dad!” Dean yelled.

“Dean. Sit down.” Bobby ordered him drill sergeant style and Dean sat automatically. “Your brother hasn’t been taken. Well, not in the way you think.” He got Sam’s laptop and set it in front of Dean.

Reading the message, he looked at Bobby a couple of times in disbelief; then he read that Dad and Bobby knew something about them wanting each other. Dean didn’t look at Bobby again, even after he finished. Instead, he blew on his coffee and looked at it as he spoke. “So Sam and Dad are going to this Roadhouse to see Ellen?”

Bobby made an affirmative noise and Dean plowed ahead. “You and Dad know that Sam and I. . ..” He stopped he couldn’t go on.

“That you love each other, yeah.” Out of the corner of his eye, Dean caught Bobby rubbing his neck. “That you wanted it to be physical, yeah.” He finished the sentence and turned away to the stove.

“But we never. . . it was just a kiss. . .” Dean tried to explain.

“It was enough,” Bobby said, “obviously.” He sat two plates full of eggs, hashbrowns, fried ham and toast on the table, one in front of Dean. “If anyone can help, it’ll be Ellen.” He sounded certain, and Dean had to have faith in that. Grabbing his fork he dug into the food, both men eating in companionable silence.

“You’ve got some place for me to stay tonight?” Dean asked. He wanted to be busy so he didn’t feel Sam’s absence so badly. It hurt him. Not physically, but mentally; it was like something was missing -like a tooth and he kept prodding at the hole. Bobby seemed to sense what was going on, or maybe he just understood.

“You wanna come see?” Dean was on his feet and grabbing his jacket almost before Bobby stopped talking. “I’ll take that as a yes. But you might want to get some pants on first; shoes would help, too.”

Dean looked down. He had been so distracted by Sam not being there that he had barely managed to get any clothes on. Heading down the hallway, he decided that he wasn’t going to be embarrassed. Bobby seemed to understand.

Getting the rest of the way dressed, Dean headed back to the kitchen where Bobby waited by the back door. Dean looked over the cage, shaking it and pushing at it. It was small, but Dean fit and so would his wolf self; it wasn’t big enough for him to get a run at the thing. He’d be able to stand, turn and lay down. There was even wire on the floor of the thing so he couldn’t dig out. “Looks good, Bobby. Why you got something like this here?”

“Sometimes, you just need to catch stuff.”

Then Dean understood. Looking closer at the cage and the frame surrounding it, he spotted several runes and other things carved or twisted in the wire. Whatever was in this cage would be calm, and peaceful. “Perfect,” Dean said, because he had a feeling that the wolf in him was not going to like Sam being gone.

Dean found out later, from Dad and Sam’s notes, that the trip to the Roadhouse was quite eventful. Dad said that Sam started howling from the moment he changed and never shut up - not once until John was pulling into the parking lot of the Roadhouse. John had called Ellen and asked to see her. Apparently she was reluctant, which both Dean and Sam took to mean that she told him to fuck off and leave her alone.

John said something to convince her to at least take a look at Sam. Sam wrote that after he changed, he heard Dad getting told off by more than one woman. He found some clothes in the back room he had been in. After getting dressed, Sam had slowly opened the door and found himself facing a young woman.

She had been waiting for him, it seemed. Jo was her name and she was Ellen’s daughter. She told Sam to follow her. Looking around, Sam hadn’t seen his Dad and asked where he was. Jo just told him that his dad was waiting outside with her mom and if they didn’t hurry, someone was going to get hurt, and it wasn’t her mom.

Sam grabbed his hoodie and followed her outside, stopping as he had heard Ellen and Dad fighting.

“It’s your damn fault, John; you left him.” Ellen’s voice was low and rough.

“I swear to you, Ellen, I thought he was right behind me. We were both running and I never did see what was after us. I turned back as soon as I realized that Bill wasn’t there. I didn’t leave him and I didn’t stop looking until I found him. He was bleeding, but I didn’t know how bad until we were back at the truck.” John had looked tortured, Sam said. “He was bleeding out and he never said a word. I didn’t know until he collapsed and then it was too late. I wasn’t sure what had killed him so I did for him as I would have wanted done for me. I salted and burned the body.”

“That wasn’t your decision to make, John Winchester,” Ellen’s angry voice had carried over to Sam easily.

“Would you have rather I brought his torn up body back, and then maybe have had to figure out what to do with him if it was a vampire or worse. . .? Ellen we didn’t know what it was.” John’s voice trailed off as he noticed Sam and Jo standing in the darkness.

Ellen turned to Sam and her daughter with a small smile. “Samuel,” she said, and held her hands out to him. Sam walked over and stopped in front of her. She smiled a real smile in welcome. “You need some help.” Looking him over thoroughly, Sam almost felt like a prize race horse and halfway expected her to want to look at his teeth.

“Yes, ma’am.” He looked at her thoughtfully. “You knew my mother.” She nodded. “Was she a witch like you?”

She didn’t answer his question, but had asked one of her own. “Have many visions, Sam?”

“How did you know? Did mom have visions?” Sam asked intently.

“Occasionally, but Missouri was the true seer among us.”

Both John and Sam jumped. “Mosely?” John said.

Ellen gave John a small smile. “It was why she could be there for you when you were ready. But you Sam, you were supposed to be protected. What happened?”

Sam hadn’t wanted to explain again so he let John do it. John left out the kissing and Sam and Dean’s revelation while Jo was there. Ellen had sent Jo back inside to clean up and make sure no one was taking undue interest in their guests. Then she had grilled John until he told her everything - the kiss, the desire, about the symbol that had formed of their auras, and about what Bobby had said about demons.

Ellen’s face had darkened and she frowned at Sam. She once again looked him over, walking around him; this time she was chanting something. “Have you ingested demon blood?”

Sam thought about Meg and shook his head, but then he remembered a vision he had before they stopped - about Mom on the ceiling and a yellow-eyed man dripping blood into his mouth. At the time, he had just assumed it was a nightmare, but maybe it wasn’t.

“I used to have visions,” he confessed and Ellen just looked at him. “But not since. . .this change happened. But I think I had a vision; it felt more like a nightmare.” When he told her, she gasped and looked horrified. “What?”

“What is it, Ellen?” John asked.

“Oh, fuck,” she said quietly. “It’s you and Dean changing and it’s you and Dean who love each other. You miss him now like half of you is gone. And it is. Ah hell, we need whisky.” Ellen turned and headed back into the bar.

Sam had exchanged a confused look with his dad and then they followed her. The next part of Sam’s note was filled with so many question marks and exclamation points that Dean had to go in and take them out to make the damn thing readable.

The gist was that Sam had a half a soul because he was conceived by a possessed John. Demons, it seemed, rather liked having children with mortals because that offspring was more easily controlled or influenced due to their lack of half a soul. Somehow, Mom had figured out what had happened and cast a spell with Ellen and Missouri to protect Sam until he could find his soul-mate. That person could heal him, heal his soul and make it whole.

What the demon blood had done was to twist the spell - when Sam realized he found his soul-mate, it would force them to be apart. Apparently, he was Sam’s soul-mate and this wasn’t his, Sam’s, or some curse’s fault. Soul-mates, if anyone had asked Dean last year if such things existed he would have a laughed in their face. He never had time for romantic crap.

Somehow this curse affected both of them, but Ellen figured that the Demon hadn’t counted on Dean. Another person probably would have flipped out, ran away and been killed or caught and held by the government; they both would have.

But neither Sam nor Dean had let that happen. Ellen said that she would get a hold of Missouri and meet them here, at Bobby’s place. She had hope, and so did Sam. His last lines to Dean were about longing and love and the belief that they would soon be together.

Dean wasn’t so sure it was going to be that easy. Nothing about this was. Asking Bobby how he had been while Sam was gone, Bobby hadn’t replied. Instead he took him to the cage and showed him. Dean had managed to chew through some of the wires and apparently tried to push out. Noting the blood around the edges, he felt himself over.

“There isn’t a mark on you, but you were bloody enough before the change. Sam just about drove me crazy when he got here and you were half way out and stuck, almost impaled.” Bobby pointed to a long piece of wire that bent inward and was covered with blood. “As soon as you saw Sam you calmed down and he got you out. I am not going to do this again.” At Dean’s look Bobby told him that besides almost dying, he had not stopped howling for hours. He was lucky his nearest neighbors were miles away.

Reaching down, Dean patted Sam on the head. He didn’t stop whining and wouldn’t move more than a foot away from him, even to pee. Dean finally gave up and found a place outside to sit and Sam tried to crawl into his lap. Petting him, Dean considered what Bobby had told him.

“So we heal when we change?”

“Seems that way,” Bobby agreed.

John grabbed a chair and brought Dean and Bobby a beer. Sitting down, he looked at Dean. “Sam tell you what was going on? He was typing long enough on that thing.”

“Yes, more or less. He said that Ellen and Missouri were coming here but I wasn’t clear on why.”

“Did Sam explain that your mom and ‘em cast a protection spell on him?”

Dean shook his head. “He said something about soul mates.” Dean felt his face flushing, but kept his eyes on his dad. He had a long time to accept the way he and Sammy felt about each other and, while he wasn’t proud of it, he had come to the conclusion that neither was he going to be ashamed.

“Ellen remembers that you were sleeping outside Sammy’s door when they cast the spell and she thinks that might have influenced things, but she isn’t sure. Dean, this isn’t your fault and it isn’t Sam’s either.” Dad looked right at him and Dean nodded, looking down at Sam who was curled up as close as he could be to Dean. His head rested on Dean’s legs where they stretched out in front of him. “We’ll fix this, son.”

Taking a drink of his beer, Dean leaned back against the car and he looked up at the sky, watching the high clouds moving across it. “So what are Missouri and Ellen supposed to do?”

“Figure out what happened and what we can do,” Bobby said.

“How?” Dean asked.

“Since they were the ones to cast the spells, they think they’ll be able to break it down. At least that’s the plan.” Bobby explained.

Dean nodded. “When?”

“They should get here today, so tonight probably,” John spoke up and Dean stared at Sam. It would be Sam they talked to.

Dean pushed off the ground and without a word to the other men, he walked into the house. Getting the laptop, he took it to their bedroom and sat on the bed, remembering the quilt from when he and Sam used to stay here when they were little. When it was Uncle Bobby, and things seemed at least a little simpler.

Sam settled at the end of the bed as Dean sat back against the headboard, the laptop propped on his lap. These letters to one another had been a bridge, a way to feel like the other person was still there, but Dean couldn’t help but feel alone. He didn’t get to talk to Sam, he didn’t get to fight with him, to touch him.

Clicking on their hidden folder, Dean read. Sam had started this and who knew he was such a kinky bastard. Leaving Dean a trail of word clues in one of his regular journal entries, things that only Sam and Dean knew, Dean found a hidden file folder and figured out the password. Sam. Somehow Sam had found the time, energy, whatever to do some research. At first it was stuff about homosexual sex, how to do it, how not to do it, if it mattered who bottomed. Sam had also written that he hadn’t known anything about it and asked Dean if he did.

It was then Dean had admitted that he had had sex with a boy before. Maybe more than one, but certainly not more than three. Sam had tried the next day to figure out who they were. He was semi-successful, getting two out of three and missing the third only because it had happened when he had been away at college; away with Jess.

Dean had asked him about Jess and about how Sam had known about his feelings for him, thinking that Sam would write him a book, but he didn’t. What Dean got was, “It was always you, I just never knew it.”

Staring at the words, Dean had sat for a long time that day, missing Sam so badly it hurt, even though Sam was, at the time, wrapped around his feet. Dean tried to snap out of his funk and typed something to Sam about Sam collaring him.

Sam responded with a few pictures of collars and restraints and told Dean exactly how he would use them. Dean had ended up jacking off to the images that Sam evoked - coming, he realized, for the first time in months.

Trying to return the favor, Dean wrote back about what he wanted to do to Sam. Writing that he fantasized about bending Sam in the backseat of the Impala and taking him, claiming him and then laying him out and sucking every last drop of come out of him, Dean had been hard when he finished.

The notes to one another had gotten progressively dirtier. Dean had a multitude of stories that Sam had written him that he could use as jack-off material. Finding that Sam had a kinky streak and a great ability to write porn, Dean had tried to keep up with him, but he couldn’t. Finally, Dean just left Sam suggestions and requests and let him write the stories. Well, porn as there wasn’t much actual story involved, but no matter it still read way better than any of the crap he used to read in Penthouse forums.

Dean picked his favorite and unbuttoned his pants, sliding his hand down and grabbing his already stiffening cock. He played with it slowly while he read one of Sammy more possessive stories. How he wanted to take Dean and make him his; it was about fingers and tongues, lips and cocks, smooth skin and hot sex and it made Dean come quickly, even though he tried to draw it out. The images Sam painted in his mind were just too much for him.

Closing the file, Dean moved the laptop and got up. He wanted to wash before the coyote that was Sam got interested in him. It had happened once before; Dean had fallen asleep and woken as Sam nuzzled his crotch. Dean had pushed Sam away and quickly cleaned up. He might be into kink, but he wasn’t into bestiality. Sam had settled down after he had cleaned up and Dean had never again fallen asleep right after jacking off.

Sam settled again on the foot of the bed and Dean typed a message to him, telling Sam that if Ellen, Missouri, and or Bobby had any brilliant ideas he should take them - even if it meant leaving Dean behind. Dean knew that Sam wouldn’t, but he had to put it there so he would know that Dean had thought about the possibility.

Dinner was a quiet affair and after he finished, Dean went up to his room to get ready for the change. Sam still wasn’t straying more than a few feet and never out of eyesight. Dean removed Sam’s collar and placed his own on the bed. Stripping down, he laid out some clean clothes for Sam, having done the laundry because Sam had said something in his note. Sitting on the floor, he held Sam who sat between his legs. The sun set and Dean’s ever present sorrow left him as he changed.


sam winchester, nc-17, au, supernatural, coyote and wolf, big bang, dean winchester, slash, fic

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