some of you may have noticed that bitchin' new header we have now! all credit for that bit of awesomeness goes to the ever amazing
pellimusprime who made it for us. (say thanks and grace her with your love!) also many thanks to
antepathy who got it installed properly and did the leg work on finding a journal theme that would support it.
the comm is much more beautiful now, thanks gals! :D
there will probably be a few more minor changes to the layout and header over the next few days as the centering is tweaked and accent colors are experimented with a bit. nothing will be as huge and all-changing as this, though.
also, have you guys seen our member count? we've got 83 actual members and 93 watchers! that's so much for us only being a little over a year old! you guys are great and do so much to make this community an awesome place!
i updated a few things on the profile page recently, so you might give those a glance to make sure you're up to date on rules, requirements and community ettiquette. if you have any questions or concerns about anything, don't be afraid to PM one of the mods. one of us is almost guaranteed to be online, so your questions and concerns will be answered in a timely fashion.
finally for this state of the comm message, i would like your suggestions for community activities, challenges and the Second Annual Summer contest. (both topics/themes and prize ideas are welcome.)