So, i had planned on taking January off to let us all recoup a bit of our creative selves and relax. Fewer deadlines floating around means much less stress and less stress makes a happier fandom.
And then i had an epiphany.
And thanks to this epiphany, we'll be having a January mini-challenge. (hey, i said these would be random.) So, i present to you:
The January Scavenger Hunt
The scavenger hunt will work like this:
1. Once you've finished reading this entry, use your internet-fu skills to search the web for pages/sites dedicated to combiner teams and/or their members.
2. Bring links to those pages back here and leave them in a comment. Once brought back, these links will be compiled into a resource page for the community to use as a reference guide for any of the gestalts.
No, there will be no clues. You are not being sent to specific sites to find a certain fact or image. This is more of a scrounging mission, but with prizes.
The Rules:
1. Try not to be obvious. Most of the fandom knows about and/or it's predecessor Teletran-1. See what there is to be found elsewhere. You won't lose points for a tfwiki link from either site, but the point is to expand our useful resource base.
2. Please try not to bring back links to sites that have pop-up adds. I know those have largely gone out of vogue thanks to the thousands of pop-up blockers around, but there are still some out there and pop-up adds are prone to being infected with icky viruses, spyware and malware. And frankly, none of us want to clean that out of our computers.
3. Links to image-only pages Do Not Count, unless they are official Hasbro/Takara images. Fanfiction, while awesome, likewise Does Not Count. Links to toy informational pages, however, Will Count--as long as there is information about the combiner team toy(s) and not just a photo shoot or ebay acution.
4. References must be to online-accessible links. A list of books with information on the teams or comics with their appearances is great, but isn't an immediate help when looking up information. (they are, however, fabulous help to those of us who like hard copy references--like your mod team--and if you want to submit that sort of list to either
wicked3659 or myself via note, we'd be happy to put it up as a separate guide from this challenge.) Scans of hard-copy resource material are also not allowed, as 99% of those scans violate US copyright laws and we don't want to encourage that.
5. Please use the following format when submitting your link:
Team/Member name:
Link (with site name if possible):
6. You may only submit a total of 20 links, though those 20 do not have to be submitted on the same day.
7. Don't panic! This is a laid back challenge and if no one decides to play, i won't cry.
8. All links must be submitted by February 4, 2011 at 11:59 PM Central Time.
The Prizes:
~All participants will get a Gold Star. (not joking. it will be an icon with a gold star and the date of the challenge.)
~Each participant will also recieve a gold star for being the first to bring in the link to any given page. You may earn up to 20 gold stars for bringing in links. Anyone who earns 20 gold stars will get a fancier icon to reflect this. (no, i haven't decided what yet, but it will keep to the star theme.)
~The second person to bring in any given link will get a silver star. You may also earn up to 20 of those, which will convert into one gold star.
REMEMBER! Gestalts and Combiner teams from all Transformers Universes count! (and the more obscure the team, the more squees of joy you'll get from this mod!)
SO! Have Fun and Bring Back Cool Links!