A new TF Challenge

Sep 05, 2016 14:20

Originally posted by silberstreif at A new TF Challenge
Well, the challenge fever is catching and I wondered, why not do a challenge that keeps the word limit down? That is short? I still have many fond memories of tf_speedwriting and my favourite prompt there had been the challenge to do a flash fic - a oneshot limited to exactly 500 words. This kept bugging me, until I gave in and created a new Challenge on AO3:

The Transformers Flash Fic Challenge!

The goal of this challenge is to produce four flash fics of exactly 500 words. All four flash fics should be about the same Transformer character or team (continuity doesn't matter), so that at the end there is kind of a set.

Every week offers 4 prompts. Please choose one prompt per week to write one of the 4 flash fics about and mention which prompt choosen in the notes. You are free to do what you want with the prompts as long as they inspired /something/.

You can start posting from the 1st October onwards. Deadline is the 31th October.

It doesn't matter if you really do one per week or if you upload all four on the 31th October.
Here is the link to the Challenge!

I'm aware that not all LJ have an AO3 account, but the prompts are public so if you want to join the fun, you can.

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