Feb 26, 2010 21:47
Ten years parted them is more ways than one. Only his slightly peppered hair indicated precedence. Both of them old souls wracked with the wisdom and experience of several life times. His dark eyes burned into hers as he remembered the hurt of her leaving ten years ago. She’d left suddenly and without warning. A note with few words lacking of comfort, the faint trace of her scent and an old pair of dog chewed slippers had been the only evidence that she had lived there for the short time.
They stood close, facing each other as they shivered. Despite the freezing rain that splashed on their shoulders nether of them were cold. Their bodies were hot, their blood was boiling and they shook because of a physical, electrical and chemical connection to each other. Despite the fear and lack of certainty of seeing each other again, they both knew that standing right there in that very spot and having the conversation that they were having had been perfectly orchestrated. They both know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Gods had all worked together to bring them to this place, standing there in the cold winter, staring into each others eyes. This was no mistake. This was no coincidence. This was not just fate. It was two people lead directly into one place to find the embers of a flame they both thought had dwindled a long time ago. They realized however, that they were a crucible, melting away the pain and the fear that they’d know before. Time seemed motionless standing out in the open air as the world continued to buzz around them.
The tension between them was palatable as they talked of past and possibility. He touched her hand and her body instinctively reached out to lace her fingers into his. Their hands pulsated at the points of contact, radiating energy into both of them. The connection was undeniable. Ten years had changed everything and nothing all at the same time.
love life