He said
WHAT ????
Bush has apparently forgotten his high school civics. There are no longer checks and balances in his view of the world...
"President Bush, on a collision course with Congress over Iraq, said Friday "I'm the decision-maker" about sending more troops to the war. He challenged skeptical lawmakers not to prematurely condemn his buildup."
During a photo opportunity, Bush was asked about stepped-up activities in Iraq against Iranian activities thought to be fueling the violence.
Bush defended the policy, but said it is no indication that the United States intends to expand the confrontation beyond Iraq's borders.
"That's a presumption that's simply not accurate," Bush said.
But added: "Our policy is going to be to protect our troops. It makes sense."
Bush also said he was confident that the dispute over Iran's nuclear program could be resolved diplomatically."
Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the NEXT war. Diplomatically my ass...sort of like all the footsie playing they did with Saddam before shipping off troops to kill him to.
I don't like the idea of nuts in power any more than the next person...but this is getting out of hand. I'm no christian, and even when I was one I was never a very good one (I think I had broken all ten of the commandments before the age of 18); but perhaps, as a Christian (since he says he is one) he maybe ought to spend some time reading his bible. He seems to have forgotten the example Jesus set when the Devil tempted him with power and world control. He's forgotten how to be a polotician, and has gone straight into attempting to be his own world power.
Yes he can, by law, order as many troops to go whereever his little twisted heart desires, but only congress can declare a war (which to the best of my lacking, previously disinterested knowledge they still have NOT done with Iraq...). Lets hope that someone has the common sense soon to tell him he's being an ass...or maybe knock the idea into his head...physically if need be.