So, I called out
runawaynun today and now i'm gonna do it to
Dude, I got something to send you today. Just a tiny little something that made me think of you when I saw it. ZOmbies may or may not be involved.
And finally, I walked into my house tonight and it smelled like pumpkin and nobody could tell me why. I hate the smell of pumpkin. It's a little too musty and earthy.
My roommates and I were chatting over dinner about one of their coworkers and how he's totally competitive and a poor loser.
Sarah complimented me on being a good loser and a good sport and I was very flattered and all yes, yes. I am a good sport. I don't know why I'm not recognized more for that and then Allison told me they were kidding.
And they brought up a time a couple of years ago in college when I literally burst into tears and cried hysterically with my head in Sarah's lap for like five whole minutes after we lost an intramural flag football match.
And match point to the roommates for bringing that up.