[Salyssa] you look away for a couple of months and it all goes to hell

Aug 28, 2011 02:59

I knew I had been out in the field (traveling back and forth and all across this world and the other one, digging up all sorts of fascinating things) for quite a while, but upon returning to Loraderon I did not expect to find the work and equipment I had been using for the Apothecarium to have been quite abruptly dismantled and reallocated to other projects. Good thing I have always kept my notes and records in my private stash, rather than leaving them in the shared bookshelf; all the books I left there were "redistributed."

I was given no formal notice of termination of my position with the Apothecarium. With some persistent inquiry, I eventually learned that the Kor'kron guards conducted a series of "surprise inspections" that were effectively raids, and ended up expanding their watchful guardianship to many areas that the Apothecarium had previously been able to keep away from their prying, piggy, beady little eyes. Unfortunately, there is now a very active and numerous orc presence in the areas where I had been conducting my research. I still have my private laboratory, but I can hardly do proper Apothecarium work there; I have no intention of telling them that it exists. I was told, quite unofficially, that if I want to pursue the lines of research I had been working on before the raids, they would greatly appreciate any information I can send; but they can no longer support my efforts materially or officially. No workspace, no assistants, no materials, no subjects.

I take some solace in knowing that I was not singled out for this treatment. From what I have been able to gather, a good half of the researchers formerly working for the Apothecarium now find themselves in the same situation. The ramifications of this--how those farther up the chain of command are reacting, how it will affect the strategies and goals of the Forsaken--I do not know. I count myself fortunate that I have my own carefully sequestered and hidden resources, as well as a perfectly legitimate line of employment, one which I believe I will actually enjoy.

good thing she likes teaching, salyssa, apothecarium restructuring, private lab ftw, but i dug up some neat stuff, orcs everywhere wtf, so much for that job

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