[Elynne] A few notes

Feb 22, 2011 13:03

Which is worse: having to deal with people so closed-minded in their prejudice against your kind that they simply ignore all logical disproofs of their incorrect assumptions, or other people of your own kind who use the exact same incorrect assmptions to maintain their own prejudices against others? TRICK QUESTION: they're both equally aggravating.

I enjoy having tea with Vikter. He's not... the person he was, heh, but he's still pleasant company--sensible and relaxing. He has elected to stay in Stormwind for the forseeable future, helping out at the Cathedral and such. It's probably for the best; his health seems rather fragile. He's at least sensible enough to agree with me that keeping himself in worgen form when alone at home provides his system with some relief and comfort, even if he still insists on removing his fur when he goes out in public. Given the work he does with invalids, it makes sense--don't want to put any further stress on the already sick and wounded.

The goblins have packed up their stupid hearts and horrible perfumes and dissappeared, for which I am profoundly grateful. ((something scribbled out))

vikter, pink holiday, teatime, elynne, prejudice is stupid, thank light that's over, to fur or not to fur, logic is hard, retirement

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