Jan 08, 2011 17:14
((These letters are written in a script much lighter and more loosely-flowing than Salyssa's usual writing.))
((this letter is written in Gutterspeak))
To Father Arland Hywel of Curse,
Doctor Vi'le is once again... himself. I am informing you in case you had not already heard through other sources. He believes that I betrayed him in some way; I believe no such thing, but it is impossible to reason with him at this time, as he seems entirely under the control of his emotional reactions.
When last we spoke, I misled you intentionally, for which I apologize. It was unworth of myself and disrespectful to you. I intend to be done with lying or misleading from this point on. I see no reason not to speak the truth now.
Finally, my work for the Apothecarium and for Curse has been put on hold while I take a leave of absence. I have stored my body in a crypt in the Undercity, and will be spending the time disembodied. I have much to think about, and I wish to be distracted as little as possible by physical emotions or responses. You will be the first to be informed of my return.
-- Salyssa Whitesun of Curse
((this letter is written in Orcish))
To Thierry Belleaux,
Dear Thierry... there is so much I cannot tell you. I wish you the best possible future, for yourself and for Zurali, for your time together. Rest assured that I am still around in one way or another, and I may speak with you again someday; but that day may not be for some time, and it may not be with a face--or name--that you recognize. I have decisions to make, and much thinking to do.
I think that will suffice.
-- Salyssa Whitesun
emotional erosion,
omg angst,
sulking time,
something heart-shaped broke,
out of body vacation,
maybe kinda bitter,
why fight entropy?