[Salyssa] progress, of sorts

Apr 03, 2010 10:18

Thierry is a great kid. Sometimes I just - have to remember that she is a kid. I don't even know why her comment upset me so much... no, I do know. Doesn't help that we weren't in a great mood to begin with. She just doesn't understand, and... I can't expect her to. Fel, there's plenty of things I don't understand.

Finally finished up all the first-month testing with the turtles. Surprisingly, to me anyway, the dwarf is the only one that seems to have accepted that he's a turtle. I'd thought that dwarves had stronger wills than that. Obviously this isn't a proper sample size; this particular dwarf may have mental weaknesses or predispositions. Still, it's interesting. I was expecting the Scarlet to break first, but he firmly remembers being human. Gibbers and whines a lot, but that's to be expected. I'm glad turtles can't whine.

Still haven't broken the enchantments on that book. I just know I'm not skilled enough to pick it apart yet. But I've made a deal with one of my "tribe-mates" for another book. Once I have a backup, I'll be more willing to risk it. That's the theory, anyway.

But in the meantime, I have a lich's personal research journal! Which I mostly can't understand. I've been trying not to breathe down the Doctor's neck for translations; instead, I've been reading some of his other books, catching up on the basics of necromancy so I'll have some background to understand the lich's notes. Fascinating stuff. I keep getting distracted by the light/shadow idea, wanting to map out the similiarities between different forms of magic. In one way, having that concept in the back of my head makes things easier - it's helping me correlate the fundamentals of necromany with those of the arcane, and demonology for that matter. It only works for the funamentals, though. Any farther, and the paths diverge wildly, at which point holding onto assumptions of simliarity will only prevent me from being able to properly understand what I'm trying to do. Also trying to learn Scourge runes, which is difficult for any number of reasons, not least that if there are any "basic primers" in Scourge I haven't ever found them. Of course, when I was with the Scourge, they didn't bother to teach me to read the runes. ((scribble)) No point in being envious now. Time for school, then back to research.

something heart-shaped, awkward, doc, turtles, research notes, salyssa, thierry, science!, maybe kinda bitter

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