There was a race - or rather, several races - yesterday, and I helped run them! Though I admit to being rather confused about what I was meant to do at some points. As I waited for the contestants in the kodo graveyard in Desolace, I was glad to have Azumat for company. He believes that the earthquakes are related to an increase in cultist activity... that there's a cult that worships the elements? That seems so bizarre to me. And they believe there's an "element" of death, or something. I would think the shamans would have noticed if there was such a thing by now.
We also talked about the vision of the bad moon that drew each of us into the tribe. He believes it's a literal warning, of... something. Of course, it's been interpreted as a literal warning of the invasion of Burning Crusade, and also the Scourge, and I seem to recall that when the citadel of An'Quiraj was discovered, it was thought to be a warning of that too. That's the thing about visions, they tend to be vague, which is why shamans dedicate their lives to interpreting them. I respect shamans for the work they do, and I don't pretend to understand the affairs of spirits.
Anyway, I believe that the vision is a more general one, that it is meant to draw us each into the tribe. Our strength combined is as formidable as a wolf pack. Each of us alone would fall too easily, but together we can accomplish great things. And we have! So if the purpose of the vision was to get us to listen, find each other, and work together... then it's done what it was meant to do.
I should mention here that Roshanar has finally asked to join the tribe, and been welcomed gladly by all. I'm sorry that his previous company was dissolved - I know it meant a lot to him to be a leader of the group, and he cared very much for each of the people in his command. I think of it happening to my tribe, and I know how much it must have hurt him, to see them scatter to the winds, unraveling the cohesion they'd worked so hard to build. But I can't say that I'm not overjoyed that he is with the Bad Moon Rising clan at last. His presence only makes the tribe feel more like my family and home.
Oh, and the race... I ended up getting last-minute instructions to fight the contestants, and when they bested me, I would give them a token. I didn't go easy on any of them, but I wasn't really prepared to be fighting them like that! I doubt I put up as much of a fight as I normally might have, but - they got their tokens and everybody survived, and it was fun, even if I did have to use up a couple of healing potions.
The festivities afterwards were held in Camp Taurajo, where Greyah has set up a tent for her eploration society. Needless to say, I immediately volunteered for any help I can offer. There are still so many parts of this world that I haven't seen. I have to admit, it seems like there's a tribe of trolls in every inaccessible area, or elven ruins... but they both did have world-spanning empires. We Shu'halo stayed on Kalimdor, though there are legends that we once roamed the continent known as the Eastern Kingdoms, and another land in between that is now lost. We just didn't build giant temples and towers out of stone to mark our passing. As in Northrend... we tread lightly as we travel the Earthmother. It is our people's trust and purpose.
I enjoyed the storytelling, mostly history, a lot of which I didn't know, or only knew parts of. But then there was some argument about Arthas, and the Scourge, and... I had to leave. Even writing this now, it's upsetting me, so I'm not going to write about it any more.
I hope that Azumat is wrong, or that Thrall is wrong, if he's the one who thinks the cultists are up to something new. I want to enjoy a time of peace. I want it to last forever, this time. It seems unlikely with that idiot king the humans have, but as long as Jaina can keep him in check, and with Thrall leading the Horde wisely, we can hopefully keep conflicts to a minimum.
I've heard that Zekett... ((trails off)) I should ask that blood elf mage about her. It's not, there really isn't anything I can do. I should just stay away from her. I would have... ((trails off again))