[OOC] Q&A memeage

Feb 25, 2010 11:49

Posted on TBDF's challenge forum, though it's less a challenge and more a meme; still, hey, at least it gets some action going in there again!


1. What is your favorite word?

2. What is your least favorite word?

3. What turns you on?
"Er... I'll assume that's meant in a non-sexual way. The outdoors, nature, the thrill of the hunt; warm companionship, knowing that people care about me and will back me up if I need it. Protecting my people, knowing that I'm working for the good of taurens and the Horde."

4. What turns you off?
"Anything that interferes with the natural order of thing - undead, demons, and the Venture Company."

5. What sound do you love?
"The roar of my rifle, and the snarling of my companion-pets."

6. What sound do you hate?
"The sound of my companion-pets in pain, or any animal. I make my kills as quick and clean as possible, I hate to see animals suffering."

7. What is your favorite curse word?
"Uh... kododroppings? I don't know, I try not to curse much."

8. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
"I can't really think of one. I love what I do, serving as a scout and ranger for the Horde. If I had to pick something else... I've always been intrigued by druidism and shamanism, but the spirits never seemed that interested in me."

9. What profession would you not like to do?
"Anything that would keep me inside all the time."

10. How do you want to end your adventuring career?
"With the world at peace."


1. What is your favorite word?
"I have to pick one? Hm. Change, I guess."

2. What is your least favorite word?

3. What turns you on?
"Next question."

4. What turns you off?
"People being fel-damned idiots. And asking annoying personal questions." *

5. What sound do you love?
"The *foomph* of something igniting... that never gets old. And the little *ping* noise of figuring out how to make an idea work, when I know it's right. What... that isn't a noise? Other people don't hear that? Huh."

6. What sound do you hate?
"My own laughter. Nah... the sound of glass shattering; it usually means that something's gone very wrong in the lab."

7. What is your favorite curse word?

8. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
"Aside from the professions I've already had? Uh... you know, I've done pretty much everything I think I'd like to do. I'm not currently doing as much with alchemy as I'd like, but there's only so many hours in the day. I am getting interested in metalworking, though."

9. What profession would you not like to do?
"Anything that didn't require thinking or arcane magic. I wouldn't like to be a spy and saboteur again. NOT THAT I EVER WAS."

10. How do you want to end your adventuring career?
"I haven't given that much thought. Fel, I don't know. I'm still having trouble deciding on a specilalization to study. Maybe, once I know everything, I'll be able to figure something out. And since I doubt I'll know everything anytime soon, or ever - I'm in no rush."

Not even going to try it for Keetana. Her answers are basically all "SNARL SNARL GO AWAY SNARRRRRLLL." And Zek's consist of *blank look* *staaaare* *blank look*

* I totally channeled Caeryn for that answer.

meme, salyssa, khydann

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