OOC meme

Feb 22, 2009 07:38

Yay lack of updates yay. So have a meme!

1. What is your character’s most recognizable trait? (If someone saw your character in a pub/on the street, what would they first notice? What makes them immediately recognizable as themself?)

2. What does your character’s voice sound like?

3. Do they like to sing? Can they sing?

4. Does your character have a noticeable accent of any kind?

5. If your character was spending an evening in an inn/tavern/pub, where would they sit? What would they be doing?

1. Umm... I'm not sure. She's usually in a good mood, and usually has some kind of critter with her, but I can't think of anything to really set her apart from an average female tauren.

2. Low, mellow, a bit on the loud side.

3. She participates in Shu'halo chanting ceremonies, but otherwise it hasn't really occurred to her to try singing. If she ever did, she'd probably be pretty bad at it, at least to start. She chants soldiers' songs, without trying to make a tune out of it, and she does hum to herself as she's out strolling around, but she tends to get lost on the melody and it dies out quickly.

4. She's got a Taurahe accent, whatever that sounds like.

5. Usually on the edges of the crowd, drinking a bit and watching people. She'll jump in and join conversations or engage people sometimes, and she'll respond if somebody strikes up a conversation with her, or she'll seek out people she knows and chat with them; otherwise, she's content to watch and listen.

1. Tends to wear concealing clothing; she keeps herself robed and hidden like a Forsaken apothecary. She's usually wearing a hood or mask of some kind. Also, she's smoking bloodthistle cigarettes. Always.

2. Quiet, scratchy from the bloodthistle, and from not using it much.

3. She's really never tried, and has no interest.

4. She has several, which come and go as she talks. It's impossible to figure out where she's from by her accent. She doesn't speak Orcish with a Sin'dorei accent, though - that's one accent she has no trace of.

5. On the fringes, chain smoking and being edgy. If she starts drinking, she's liable to get completely smashed and start blabbering at people, which is why she often avoids drinking.

meme, salyssa, ooc, khydann

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