((OOC - updatey thing))

May 02, 2008 09:23

Short version: I'm still alive; I probably won't be coming back to WoW anytime soon, except for brief appearances; I am planning on coming back to WoW... um, more, in a month or so.

Long Version: this month, I get to move (we've lived in this house for eight years, and I've accumulated an impressive amount of crap) and start a new job. The new job starts Monday, and is M-F 8-5 (PST) for three weeks; then it switches to 12:30-9 pm except Sundays and Wednesdays (that's 2:30-11 pm ST). Needless to say, this will somewhat change my availability for various things. *sigh* I'll find out what it's like, and what I'll be able to deal with, when I get there. Right now, my immediate goal is to survive this month. I've been idly amusing myself with starting alts on a pvp server, which has reminded me both how much it sucks to start off when you don't have a 70 to supply you with monies, and also how horrible the social environment is on pvp servers (or at least this one). I'm going to try to pop in on Khydann today/tonight and pick up the Sunwell Plateau title, if its availability hasn't already passed (has it?).

So... yeah. And now, I go move boxes. :P


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