
Nov 10, 2007 08:58

I failed at being a hunter.

Things were going fine - I was enjoying the rifle, and the fighting, and the hands-on aspect of things - and then I was sent out to tame a wolf. Easy enough; you see young hunters doing it all the damn time around Bloodhoof Village. So I went out there with my taming stick and my nose full of determination.
Came back for another stick.
Came back again for another stick, and to get my armor repaired, and some healing.
By the time I went back for a fourth stick, still with no wolf, and starting to limp badly, the trainer said he'd come out and watch what I was doing.

It turns out that my training as a druid is interfering; I keep trying to talk to the animal, negotiate with it, when what a hunter has to do is initially make a simple demand: YOU ARE MINE. Once that bit is over, the rest is negotiation. I just can't make myself do that. I talked to the trainer, he said that having a companion animal is integral to being a hunter. I think I can do it... it just seems terribly, completely wrong. I don't have any problem killing animals, but it seems too much like enslaving them. I'd never thought of it that way before. I'll never tell Khydann that, either.

I went off and sulked in the woods for a while, then talked to the chief. He suggested I talk to the warrior trainer. So I did, and I explained what I had liked about being a hunter and what I hadn't liked, and he just nodded, and handed me an axe. He ran me through a couple of training exercises, then said to go back to Camp Narache and talk to Harutt Thunderhorn. So I did. Two days later, and Harutt has sent me back to Krang in Bloodhoof. On his advice, I jogged up to Thunder Bluff to see what the weapons master there could teach me; he says I should try using as many weapons as possible as I train, so I can choose which weapon works the best for me. As I was riding the elevator up, I remembered that I'd forgotten to reset my hearthstone to Bloodhoof!

So I'm writing this here on Thunder Bluff, taking the time off to enjoy the city again, before I head back down to continue training. I think this will work for me. I truly hope so. I don't think I could stand starting over again as something else.

Oh, and I saw some young Grimtotem bull running around Camp Narache, getting his training, I think as a shaman. With fur that dark, he's got to be a Grimtotem or one of their line. I know Khydann thinks that there's nothing wrong with Grimtotem... she's not the one who had one murder her mother. Kodo-fucking Kolkar-chewed Grimtotem.


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