This. All of this. (Especially the part about this being Andy's job-interview for Torchwood -- from the way he took off that vest, I'd say he's certainly done with the regularly constituted authorities there...)
There is still alot to Jack's story I want to know...between now and the face.....and I hope someone blends it in somewhere. This tore my heart out. Not quite ready to say goodbye but can't disagree with your points.
It tore my heart out as well. That was really the biggest part of coming to peace with it, realizing that it had to happen even though I didn't want it to happen.
Luckily for us, this fandom has a diviersity and quality of fan fiction a lot of other fandom's don't. Once I'm more over Ianto's death, because I don't think I could stomach the happy right now, I'll continue to read it. Hopefully it will go back and tell me more of TW3 story that I didn't see, or change the end of CoE, or fill in more of Jack's story.
Hell, I've got a WIP Epic that was accidentally forced to turn AU after Owen, and I'm still posting new chapters for the damned thing. When parallel universes and time-meddling are canon, there's simply no excuse to let yourself stay Jossed, eh? ;)
I'd have been getting a bit of my own back for my upstairs neighbors Annoying!Noisy!Sex if they'd been home evenings this week... and when Andy took off that vest I think the people across the street heard me. I've... warmed to him, yeah. ;)
Luckily for us, this fandom has a diviersity and quality of fan fiction a lot of other fandom's don't. Once I'm more over Ianto's death, because I don't think I could stomach the happy right now, I'll continue to read it. Hopefully it will go back and tell me more of TW3 story that I didn't see, or change the end of CoE, or fill in more of Jack's story.
I'll sit around and wait for the good fic to start rolling out.
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