I reviewed a few things in this post and shed some light on what I actually thought about the Tony Awards.
I have this terrible problem of wanting to do 20 things at once. This has become a real problem when I've been watching movies lately. They need to be real winners or I'm stopping and distracting myself with any number of things on my computer. (Chatting on AIM, checking my email or BWW or myspace, or maybe updating my site... just to name a few.)
A couple movies I had an interest in watching that my sister rented (in May) were Casanova and The New World. They were very different movies...
If it weren't for the pretty colors (and Heath) in Casanova, that overly long, drawn out movie would've have taken me forever to watch. Instead, I just spaced it out over 2 days. I know people who like it, but it just wasn't my thing AT ALL. Perhaps I needed to be in a different mood for it... eh, maybe? I think I might be making excuses for its problems because of Heath, because he's worth watching in damn near anything. This was back in May and I have no real interest in seeing it again anytime soon.
As for The New World... wow, this is one of those movies your history teacher tortures you with when they're tired of teaching the class. Why did my sister rent it?... Christian Bale and Colin Farrell. Yep, that's all it needed. I was slightly interested before those names, but not by much. It was really sad to watch the story of a young girl taken out of all she knew and basically brainwashed into loving a man... horrible idea for a movie. Once again, not my thing... and why cover up Colin's face with a beard!? (Yep, I think about all the important things...)
Moving on to some things I watched recently... !!!!!SPOILERS ABOUND!!!!!
Over the weekend, I watched Transamerica. Wow, what a powerful movie. It deals with a transsexual who has been taking the steps to become a woman. Her surgery is in two weeks, and she is called by the NYCPD that her son needs to be bailed out. She didn't realize she had a son, the mother having never told her (the father). Her son is now 17 and looking for his father, who is now Bree. Instead of saying who she is, she pretends to be from a church... one that helps out with troubled youths. I think this movie would be interesting to go through and find the various things that makes Toby (her son), do what he does. His life was very, very troubled. His real father didn't know he existed, his mother committed suicide, his stepfather was sexually and physically abusive. To add insult to injury, he sold himself on the street to get drugs. LA (where his father lived) was supposed to be his refuge, his safe place, but it even turned out to be not at all what he expected... finding out the truth by "falling for" his father, Bree. It all sounds rather complicated if you've chose to read this, but it all fits. The movie isn't something you can watch time and again, but it is an amazing story. I'd like to further analyze this movie, since I'm mostly just babbling now. Moving on...
Last night I watched the first half of the HBO miniseries of Angels in America. Complete and utter genius. Watching it made me realize how great my classmates at my college were. I can remember things they did that I noticed within the miniseries. I could watch it over and over again... simply fantastic. Now I need Perestroika!
My Thoughts on the Tony Awards: Alright, to come right out and say it... I'm not that upset Manoel Felciano didn't win.
I love Mano, he's fantastic in the role, recreated the character and did way more research for it than one would think. He stood out on the cast recording to me... I love his singing voice. He did deserve to win, but so did everyone nominated. I wasn't at all surprised he didn't win...
After watching Jersey Boys, Christian was FANTASTIC. I don't mind that he took the award, his character being layered and wonderful. It seemed so unexpected... people having convinced me that Jim Dale would win. Hell if I even knew who that was.
To be quite honest, I could listen to Jersey Boys everyday and LOVE it every time. Sweeney, however, is a different story. It might be one of the greatest shows to hit broadway, but it's not by any means, something I can listen to everyday. Jersey Boys is also a hell of a lot more commercially viable... it could run for years. Sweeney will be limited, even more so for its lack of major awards. (I am glad Doyle won and that it won for orchestrations... those were LOCKS.) People might get pissed off and overreact to things, but it's still all a business... shit happens, life goes on.