Title: Triangulations, WIP 6/?
gertinatorPairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, ensemble and OCs
Word Count: 6162
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The epic continues. Sequel to Full Circle which can be found at
my indexSpoilers/Warnings: I went AU from 2.22, and now it is about 9 years in the future. Graphic smut, and possible violence once the mystery gets
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love tori's story line. i love that she's got a war with boys that are. just. that. evil. because not all bad boys are logan (or even dick with his rapist little brother).
one of the best things about your writing is the humor just infused through EVERYTHING. that ode to lj and that it's not just for nerd is brilliant! that absolutely apalling but oh so Godamn funny overly-euphamistic-and-used-the-word-lust-too-many-times smut by logan is priceless! you're writing is just so well rounded, you can do everything.
and, wow CW only existed when the company started... WOW. i cant wait for veronica to dig through his history. you do the mystery thing so well, i'm all aflutter with anticipation.
and it's really interesting that logan is blocked... is this a manifistation of his unresolved issues with duncan? i dont know if just killing of dugan (isnt he just subtle) is enough to resovle logan's issues with duncan. i think there needs to be something bigger than just that... like the beaver/cassidy dreams... something that just lets logan have that closure... but then maybe there is no closure from duncan's betrayal of logan.
so... anyway. this fic, is as always one of the best. update soon!
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