Title: The Forbidden Itch
gertinatorPairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, Lilly
Word Count: 4345
Rating: a light NC-17 for smut
Summary: When Veronica trades Lilly for her Poison Ivy costume, Logan finds he has an itch he has to scratch.
Spoilers/Warnings: Pre-series and/or AU. Lilly is alive and still dating Logan. But not for long.
A/N: I blame
lapdogdesign for this. Oh, and
synful_trixx. She was the one who gave me the idea for Lilly's costume and it totally shaped the fic. This was written for the
vm_library incognito challenge. Happy Halloween, ya'all!
I'm sending ya'all to the Dark Side, yo. It's a new fic community for the darker and angstier tales.
Not even calamine lotion can stop this itch.)