Well it's Christmas time. Everyone is FINALLY wearing their Christmassy stuff. Emily got a bunch of lights and put them up all around the apartment.
I made Emily take pictures!
This is me and I'm awesome.
Emily - Emily is a human. My human.
Fiona - I don't know much about Fiona, really. Like many new dolls, she's floating in personality limbo for the time being.
Addy - Addy is one of the first dolls Emily ever got. She's also scary smart. It's a good thing that she didn't visit Christine's Addy, because I think they'd hatch an evil plan to take over the world or something with Batman.
Harriet - Harriet is Addy's best friend. She can be really bossy sometimes, but she's mostly okay. Addy says to ignore her when she's like that, and it seems to work. You just sort of nod and agree with her that you don't know anything at all and tell her how much smarter she is. Then you do whatever it is you were doing your way anyway.
Esther - Esther is Addy's little sister. She hangs out with the other No-Neck Little Monsters, but Sayuri (the other monster in the picture) is probably her best friend.
Kit - Kit is okay. Out of all of the historical girls, she has probably adapted best to technology. She can type almost as fast as I can. They made a movie about her and she is going to get a huge tree house. There will be no living with her after that.
Stirling - Stirling is the only boy around. He mostly just does whatever Kit does (except he doesn't wear dresses), but he likes to draw.
Molly - Sometimes Emily calls Molly "Meg", and she does look a lot like Meg from [i]A Wrinkle in Time[/i]. I think they might be the same person, but I need to investigate further. (Molly is wearing contact lenses right now because her glasses were broken.) Contrary to popular belief, Molly is great at math.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Mostly you call her Elizabeth Cady. She's one of four Elizabeth here, but she's pretty cool. In her future which is our past,* she's a famous Women's Rights activist. She really wants a pair of pants, but Emily says pants are hard to make, so she'll need to wait a bit.
*This warrants further investigation.
Kirsten - Don't let her cute little loopy braids fool you. She has a bearskin rug, and she killed the bear herself. Don't even say the word "IKEA" around her unless you want pain.
Susan - As far as I can tell, Susan is from the late 1930s or early 1940s. She hasn't told us much about herself. I thinks she's from London, but I'm not sure. She did say something about a wardrobe and a lion once. Dolls can be weird here, but I'll have to elaborate on that in another post.
Jjenna - Jjenna is one of those artsy fartsy weirdos. You know, the kind who think that everything is trying to make a STATEMENT. Like if you draw a stick figure, it's a minimalist social commentary on something or other. Emily says she's always kind of worried that Jjenna will decide that killing and stuffing a human would make an interesting statement on something or other and kill her in her sleep. Fortunately, if she starts making you nervous, it's really easy to distract Jjenna. If you say "But my three-year-old sister could do that!" Jjenna will start to explain about modern art at great length. Then you can run away.
Agnes - Agnes is Samantha's "not-quite-aunt", but she's the same age as Samantha and Nellie. Her twin sister, Agatha, was eaten by a bear, but we don't usually talk about that. I asked Emily why Agnes doesn't look like Agnes in any of the Samantha books. She says Agnes is from a pocket dimension where Agnes and Agatha actually looked like that. Weird. Her little sister Alice can frequently be seen wrecking havoc with the other No-Neck Little Monsters.
MaryEmily - MaryEmily is a little older than Kit, but only a little bit. Don't call her Mary and don't call her Emily. Her name is MaryEmily, and you're supposed to say it like it's all one word. Her parents immigrated to the United States from Ireland and she has a bazillion aunts and uncles.
Cecilia - Cecilia is MaryEmily's little sister. She's kind of a brat, really, but she's a cute brat.
Samantha, Nellie, Bridget, and Jenny are sisters. I'm sure that sounds very nice, but if you have a sister just a couple years older or younger than you, you'll understand why it isn't.
Samantha - Samantha can be selfish sometimes. She doesn't mean to be, she just forgets that the world doesn't revolve around her. She and Kit don't get along very well, mainly because Samantha can't understand what "poor" means and Kit wants to smack her for it. And then sometimes Kit DOES smack her, and Samantha has no idea why.
Nellie - Nellie can be overprotective of her sisters. She's normally pretty relaxed, but she has this THING about hairbows. In this picture you can see that she's complaining that Jenny's hairbows are indecent, especially since men boys A boy is in the room.
Bridget and Jenny - Jenny is the youngest. Her doll's name is Louisa-Jane. Bridget's teddy bear is named Fred.
Mitsuko - Mitsuko fights vampires. Seriously. Vampires! Crazy, I know. She can speak Japanese because her grandparents are all from Japan. Don't ask her about anime. It makes her mad. Her little sister is Sayuri. Emily's sister wrote a story about them and vampires and other people and stuff.
Anyway, she got stuck babysitting the No-Neck Little Monsters. Left to right, that's Sophie, Alice, Britta, and Del. Del is actually the anthropomorphic personification of Delirium. (Don't ask. Just don't.) Alice is Agnes's little sister and Britta is Kirsten's baby sister. We don't know who Sophie belongs too, but she's cute.
Josefina and Clara - Josefina was the last doll Emily got before she turned into a grown-up, and she can be a little smug about that sometimes. (What is it with humans and getting bigger, anyway? It's weird, that's what it is.) Clara is her big sister, but only by a couple years. They both can speak Spanish, but mostly they speak English unless they're talking to each other about something they don't want anyone else to understand. Don't call Josefina "Josie" or "Jo". She'll get angry, and you wouldn't like her when she's angry.
Sometimes Clara and Josefina will have a fight about something dumb and Not Speak To Each Other. That's not the same as just not talking, though, because they say it with capital letters, too, like "I'm Not Speaking to Clara." Then a day later they'll be talking and playing like nothing happened. Emily says it's "a sister thing".
Kaya - Kaya is kind of weird. She has two horses and a dog and she's kind of a loner. She's fun to talk to, but she misses her sister, Speaking Rain. I think she feels guilty about her, too. It's sad because Emily told me that there's no way that The Doll Company will ever make Speaking Rain (but don't tell Kaya that!) She doesn't celebrate Christmas really, but a party is a party, so she's still wearing her nice dress and hanging out and eating yummy stuff like Kirsten's Bouncy Cake.
Felicity, Felicity, Elizabeth, and Elizabeth - These dolls are just STRANGE. There are two Felicitys and two Elizabths. The Felicitys look a lot alike, though one is a little shorter. The Elizabeths are REALLY different, though. One has blue eyes and blonde hair and one has brown eyes and brown hair. All of them wear stays, which are sort of corsets.
The weird thing is that sometimes both Felicitys or both Elizabeths will start saying the same thing at the same time perfectly in sync with each other. It's creepy.
There's some kind of weird creepy Mirror Universe Cult thing going on, and I intend to get to the bottom of it.
Baby Polly - Polly is Felicity's baby sister. Which Felicity? Both. I have NO idea how that works.
Jess - We don't know a lot about Jess except that she's from Michigan. Things may become more clear later on. Jess might not even be her real name.
So that's everyone, finally. Dolls here? Like. Bloody. Tribbles.