Feb 02, 2009 19:48
So, almost a month ago I rejoined the ranks of the gainfully employed. The interview process was pretty long (and mentioned somewhat in earlier posts here) but I had a pretty good feeling from the get-go. I pretty much love it. At the moment, I don't have a lot of work to do, so I've taken to trying to automate the bits that I have learned (my somewhat plausible goal is to reduce the beginning, tedious stages to a single double-click) and whenever I don't have a higher-priority assignment I work on that. They say that over the next year, my department's workload is going to triple, so it won't always be stress-free fun and games, but it's really awesome to be given an assignment (that doesn't involve foreign currencies, anyway) and the space and freedom to complete it as I see best. My boss is cool (and Beth, I think you'd find her very cute as well) and my coworkers are decent if a little... well, male. I'm used to being the only guy in my department. Now, my area is all guys, and they talk about football inordinately. But so far, I like everyone well enough. And more importantly, I make enough money to start un-burying myself from this assload of debt I've accumulated.
OK, so I was going to post about this weekend to but that will have to come later. I somehow managed to spend half an hour on the previous paragraph....