Hey, how much is a haircut?

Oct 28, 2007 14:54

That will be 10 lira, about 8 dollars. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The barber, the tools, the chair. The 2 twelve something boys hovering about seemed a bit odd. The hair cut proceeded with deft snips, each hair it seemed received individual attention. After 20 minutes, İ was pleased and ready to pay. My cutter, with hand signals, let me know he was not finished. He lit what looked like a medium length candle torch. He then deftly snapped the flaming end into my inner ear. First one side, then the other. The smell of burnt hair filled the air. Next came a thorough hair washing and drying. That is ıt, rıght? Wrong. My barber turned masseuse and worked my stiff, surprised back muscles with a to the bone manipulation. There was a silent command and the two young vagrants leapt to their purpose. Each grabbed and stretched an arm. Oiled biceps, latts, fingers and tendons were pinched and prodded into submission. The whole experience was a leap of faith. Massaged, trimed and singed, İ paid and tipped the trio 5 liras. They seemed pleased and İ felt pampered beyond expectation. İ love it when the ordinary turns into an adventure.
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