Lots has happened, lots more to come! :D

Aug 07, 2010 02:51

Well I don't have time to tell all that has happened since I last posted but I'll try for a Reader's Digest Condensed Version:

1) Graduated college (finally)
2) Got a job at Gamestop as a Game Advisor
3) Got promoted to Senior Game Advisor approximately 2 weeks later.
4) Got promoted to Assistant Store Manager about 2 weeks after that!
5) Got to meet Joanna and Jeff in person for the first time! :D Twas awesome and I cannot wait to visit them in WV!
6) Did my Eagle Scout talks with Chris at Bayport again and got surprised by Leigh Barrett who is working there! :D Twas awesome hanging with two cool cats from the LU there! :D
7) WMLU won 1 award for Sports and 1 runner-up award for Station Promotion from the VAB
8) Planning for DragonCon has begun with Jas and I both going (uber-YAY! :D).
9) Became single again.
10) Starcraft II came out! :D

Hmm, thats the major stuff I can think of that I wish to talk about here. :D More to come when I have the time to post!

Much love to everyone! :D


real life

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