You really should read this and read the discussion on my status messages...agree or disagree I'd LOVE to hear from you. Discussion is my game!
This convo started as a response to my status message of: "Chancellor" Falwell Jr. is demanding a retraction from the club about its comments to the media...the man can go to hell! Go Liberty Dems!
This was done on Twitter and cycled to my Facebook and Myspace status messages. The below conversation came after there had already been a round of discussion on my status page (
here is the link) between myself and a friend.
The name below was changed as I am not that big of a jerk as to post it. The only other editing performed was the removal of the time stamps and duplicate "so-and-so is offline/online" status messages that occur when Facebook IM hiccups. Duplicate messages themselves are left in.
explain something to me
explain to me what good it does ANYONE for people to be badmouthing LU and the falwells
they are human. they make mistake they arent perfect. but they HAVE done good
a lot more good then the people qwho just sick back AND CRITICIZE THEIR EVERY MOVE
mmm...ok...besides hatng free speech, trying to control everyone's thoughts, and putting their own morality on everyone...what good have they done?
they may go overboard with things and in some ways they may be legalistic
but they have done a lot of good too
because its also my right to be as indignant with them as they have to be indignant with me
uh ONE thing
uuuum what abt the liberty godparent home
uuuum what abt the liberty godparent home
that does not have the requirement of before they do it you have to accept their version of Christianity and what they think it means
liberty godparent home
i learned while i lived down there that for some reason most of the people down there have nothing better to do than criticise and badmouth therm. and that makes those people just as bad as LU
its very hypocritical...eye for an eye...tooth for a tooth...and does nothing to benefit anyone or anything
its very hypocritical...eye for an eye...tooth for a tooth...and does nothing to benefit anyone or anything
sure it promotes discussion and debate between the groups
not healthy debates
thats the idea of discourse and free that groups can express their views
thats because the minute anyone tries to have one someone from liberty comes and slams us down
telling someone to go to hell is not a debate. it is demeaning and disrespectful. and if it was a true debate it would be a DEBATE not badmouthing
ah but you notice it has gotten you talking about it :):)
did you read the rest of my comments under my post?
yes. to try and point out that if it was truly a debate...there would be telling people to go to hell. you are doing the same thing to them that you claim is what they do wrong. so how is that jusifiable?
Simple, because of Falwell's pettiness and child-like behaviour of "uh uh, that isn't what we said *stomps foot*" when it is in fact exactly what they did I felt I needed to respond in kind as that appears to be the only way to attract their attention
it got yours did it not?
and you are doing the same "stomping foot" childish temper tantrum. lol dont you see its just as bad and ugly when you do it?
quite actually and I despise having to step down to that level...but in some cases its the only way to deal with immature people such as him
just dont deal with it. live your life. let him live his. you dont "have" to do anything. you're choosing to and i just thought i'd let you know that its not an attractive thing.
My main problem is that they accept federal funding considering everything they do that goes against what our government stands for AND they have decided to separate themselves from state and federal schooling as well
I am an activist...I am NOT content to let the world go by and just sit there doing nothing
and ya know what? if it's wrong, and immoral, they
unlike John Meyer I am NOT waiting on the world to change, I am attempting to effect that change my self
sure I could sit back, relax, and just let the world do its thing and I would have no right to complain when it hands me a basket of lemons (send as a message)
they'll answer for it, won't they? but it's not our job to cause dissention. they're gonna have to answer for anything they do...just as you'll answer for what you do. and the "they made me say that and do that and act that way" defense isn't really gonna work in front of God dude
not our job to cause dissension?! shakes head yes it is our a citizen of the USA and of the world it is our job to try to right wrongs and fight for what we believe in
God gave us Free Will...the will to chose
what comes first. God or country?
I will look God in the eye and tell him "I did what you gave me the abilities to do to the best of my abilities in going for what is right and just."
and when God looks you in the eye and says He said to live at peace with one another? and not quarrel? and no eye for an eye or tooth for a tooth because that is how the world lives and not how we should live? what will you say then?
"God you should not have given us free will then. You should have set the path in stone and not given us the choice or the will to fight what is our own. To go after our own land of milk and honey, to not let the meek and the poor suffer, to not let the voices you created be heard. And if eternal punishment is what is my reward for doing what I believe you to be directing me to do, then so be it. I did what I can do and no more. I fought the good fight."
well. then. i applaud you for being the spitting image of the man you hate so much
Gerry THAT comparison I have to hear. I am fighting for the ability of having free thought and not have someone else's morality thrust up on me. For reading and believing in one's own way and not that dictated by one man and his vision. I fail to see how that makes me Jerry Falwell Jr and Sr
you are being just as stubborn. just as prideful. just as self righteous as them. and its sad. and heartbreaking. its also sad to hear the bitterness in your life. if you were dedicated to CHANGE...and not FORCING change...but helping people see things from a different point of view instead of throwing a hissy fit when you dont like something or dont get your way...i'm sure you could do a lot of good. but. going about it the way you are...i guarantee won't. just as you wont listen to them because of their hissy fits...they will never listen to you because of yours. like i said. if you were going about it respectfully and appropriately...youi would have been able to do a lot of good
I still haven't quite seen how I've been doing a hissy fit...yes I have thrown a few insults through this but you'll note that it has sparked a discussion that otherwise might not have happened
and the cynicism? call it realism and the effect of living in this town for 25 years and seeing the harm they have done
seeing the heartbreak they have caused people all in the act of their "Greater Good"
and seeing them fat and happy in their houses aplenty with riches that go out to no one....
really? because when i said the whole stomping foot childish temper tantrum that you were throwing like agreed you were and said you didnt like it but felt like you had to and like i said they'll hav to answer for what they've done. but...unless you think you're just as great as God, you're not the one to judge. i promise they arent getting their panties in a knot because of you. the only one you're working up is yourself and your friends. its not exactly how God wants us to act. "repay evil with kindness" maybe you don't agree with them but if you were talking to them'd get a lot farther than "go to hell" hissy fits. all i'm saying is if you were really committed to would do what it takes. right're having about the same effect on them as a screaming 2 year old does in the candy store with their mom. shattering peace, maybe...but just making the mom more indignant
or in this case the dad lol
lol...well quite frankly I would be out there picketing if it wasn't for the fact that its 1) not allowed because its private property 2) the only place I can is the main road since that is state property and I do not wish to get run over and 3) every student and faculty member that probably hasn't had a thought of their own since they started listening to Jr's hogwash would probably be attempting to stone me rather than engage me in sensible discussion
if they were willing to engage in reasonable dialogue I would do the same, hell I have tried....if you look at most of my other statuses about this they are much more reasonable
but the fact that he is calling for them to LIE is what is getting me when he is the one lying and misconstruing the information
seems to me youi're not being reasonable or sensible yourself...proven by this conversation...i dont blame them. lol all you do is defend yourself instead of seeing anyone else's point of view. just an fyi. you're human. you can be wrong too...your not god though you definitly have a god complex
not being reasonable or sensibile? how am I being unreasonable and nonsensical? by calling for them to tell the truth and stand up for what they believe in? by calling a spade a spade and Jr a liar?
I've NEVER said I couldn't be wrong...but there are some basic rights that are not wrong, nor is fighting for them
lol well this conversation is going no where and i really dont wanna waste anymore time lol
appears we shall have to agree to disagree as is yours and my right :):)
byeee, have a nice day!