Now back to our regularly scheduled cheerful asshole....

Dec 12, 2008 22:18

Well it has been a while since I've posted a substantive post so I'll try to make up for it with this.

I just got my results back from my NeuroPsych exam and it was....interesting. Basically while I might be crazy (they didn't test that according to my neurologist...thanks Eddie! ;D) I was RIGHT! There is a dysfunction in my brain. I was wrong in where though, it appears to be in the RIGHT hemisphere, I assumed the left because of the issue. They said that basically if the MRI that I am getting done in January doesn't show a brain lesion, its due to my previous head surgery and is made worse by my depression. Option 1 is a brain lesion and Option 2 is damage from the tumour and surgery; both of which are compounded by my depression. On that note, now that 3 doctors (two at the neuropsych at UVA and my neurologist here in town) have said that I need to be on antidepressants I am going back on them. In this case its Lexapro and right now it has me so wired and nauseous that eating is a problem and so is sleeping. I am enjoying not needing as much sleep but my body is having to readjust...I just hope it stays this way. Maybe I can finally lose some weight and get back to my usual self.

They did not want to put me back on Cymbalta because of the fact that IMHO it wasn't working and they're inclined to agree. Lexapro is new, works well, and hopefully will make me my usual self again.

What I thought was HILARIOUS was that they said I have a "superior intellect." I shit you not that is EXACTLY what it says. "The obtained results suggested that he is an individual of superior intellect with generally intact performance across the vast majority of administered measures." They said my FSIQ is 125 so its not genius range (sorry Mom, lol...not a genius here). If anyone is interested in a copy of the report let me know...I know a few of you are psych majors and I already gave Carly and Katie copies. They even give the DSM section numbers for their diagnoses. Anything to further science! :D

They did say my memory is in the very superior range which was cool. Their recommendations are:

Neuroimaging to rule out a brain lesion.
Pharmacotherapy and individual therapy (medicine and therapists basically).
Exercise and continuing my activities at the radio station. (I shit you not they said that! They said it helps me and would improve my mood and energy level.)
Changing how I encode information (basically using different methods to study/read...the methods I used in the session were noted and are not the best for me).
Going through the disability services at the school to get some accomadations. I swear they make me sound ADDish from the description and its possible I am to a degree.

I will be honest, the idea of dain bramage...err brain damage scares me a bit but if I can work around it then it won't be that bad. Oh and I have NASH as well...NonAlcoholic SteatoHepatitis. This means that basically I have a fucked up liver. Look it if you want to know what it is...but basically it can possibly be fixed. Maybe. Oh and my multiple head injuries haven't helped either.

I love the part where they go "His speech, though rapid, was generally normal in tone and volume." Med-speak for "Goddamn Motormouth."

So it will be interesting to see how this plays out. I'm going to do my best to compensate for the problems and complete my CompSci major, especially now that I have an idea of what is going on and what I can do to fix it.

Speaking of, I'll end up with what looks like 1 A, 1B, 1C, and 1F. Oddly enough (sarcasm) that one F is in Discrete Math. SHOCKER!! I busted ass though to get the rest to hopefully get my GPA up some.

I'm also designing the SGA's new website. This will be interesting as the site has not been updated in several years so I am starting from scratch with an easy to update design.

If you have been paying attention to the WMLU saga playing out, it has ended for the semester with a minor victory for us. We've appealed and have several people willing to represent us. The appeal has been sent it and we're looking at being in the second SGA meeting the way I understand things.

If you are one, THANK YOU! If you have questions about whats going on, feel free to ask me! A general idea can be found on the Rotunda's website at You need to go back several weeks to 11/05/2008 and read the WMLU article there and the Letter to the Editor. If you go back another week you can read the letter I responded to. Then read forward about the SGA meetings and opinions until you hit the most recent issue and read the Letters to the Editor and the WMLU article there. That'll get you up to speed.

I'll post more about WMLU activities later. I've got some stuff coming up that'll be interesting and hopefully informative. We're working on an Alumni Committee as well so if you are alum, stay tuned!!! :D

Well I will talk to you all soon! I'm was the big BUYBACK FRIDAY at work today and I need some rest! Talk to you all later and feel free to contact me if you want!

LongwoodGeek on AIM, I'm on Facebook, and I do give out my cell!

Peace and have a great day!


sga, wmlu, real life, radio, longwood, rotunda, medical

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