The Only Way Out Of Hell...Is Through It!

Aug 23, 2008 21:57

And that pretty much sums up this whole week, most of the month, and good portions of my year. *sigh*

If they say that a person is measured by the adversity they face, I make Michael Phelps look tiny. Now I admit that compared to some people, my problems are piddly shit but for me right now they are pretty major.

I mean honestly you know its bad when you have to go off of one of your medications just so you can stay awake long enough to do your work. And what is worse is having your mother bitch because you did so. Yes I know my emotions swing badly when I go off of it but they stabilize after a few days. I mean I haven't spontaneously burst out crying in almost a day now (yes, I cry...yes, I am a guy...if it bothers you, get the hell over it). And I honestly HATE my medication anyway. I don't like pills, have never liked pills, but I know I have to have something. For those of you wondering what the hell the problem is I'll give you a quick synopsis.

1)I have clinical depression. It runs in my family, we can trace it back to at least my grandfather on my mother's side. Thanks to the fact I take so much after my Mom who suffers from it as well (though much better controlled than mine), I inherited it.

2) I have hypertension. Rough translation: I have REEEAAALLLY high blood pressure. "How high is it?" Well I had a nurse at our health center here look at me and say "Why aren't you dead yet?" after taking it one day (note, it was 169/110 when she took it and I have seen it higher). I got a double whammy family-wise on that as both my grandmother and grandfather (and he died from his 3rd heart attack at 37) on my mother's side, and both grandparents (though particularly badly in my grandfather) on my father's side along with Dad himself. Goddess only knows how my mother avoided it.

3) Assorted other maladies. I've had a benign tumour out of my head, my appendix out on the week of prom (still went though, I'm a stubborn so-and-so), and my gall bladder out three years ago. I suffer from chronic abdominal pain (though it has MAJORLY decreased in the last few months, I barely take anything any more for it).


I figure the Lords and Ladies are just softening me up for a MAJOR smiting. But thats just my thoughts on the issue.

On top of everything else its been Textbook Rush for about the past week and gearing up for that for the past month. This is like Black Friday in the retail world but it lasts for over a month. It also means that I deal with pissy parents and worried students on a daily basis. I don't mind the worried students, hell I enjoy comforting them and imparting my many moons of experience on them but the parents are GOD AWFUL! Imagine those crazy sports parents and add some meth in to go with it and you have these parents. I almost asked one mother the other day if she was going to hold her son's penis for him while he peed because she was just attached to him.

On top of that I've got some SPECIAL co-workers who have made the efforts a hell of a lot harder than they need to be. I've got two that I would just send home permanently if I had the power to do so. One likes to think he is a manager (and he isn't, just a low-level peon who ranks below me, and I'm not even a manager either). The other is just incredibly lazy and irritating (and can't do simple paperwork to save his soul).

And now I am become Shiva, destroyer of....I mean I am now the GM of the radio station ( and its going to be a "fun" year. I won't go into details here as they aren't public yet but suffice it to say its going to be fun for the first few months. Ah well, I knew what I was getting into when I signed up.

Well I think that is a good summary of things so far for the moment. I am currently very dizzy, fatigued, running a fever, and dirty from doing a remote for the radio station and cleaning said station. Shower for me and then relaxing. Finally!

I hope everyone else has a great day and a good start to the school year!

school, stress, wmlu, real life, work, medical

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