Robert Newman History of oil / comedy and truth

Oct 14, 2006 20:33

"Robert Newman History of oil / comedy and truth" on Google Video

This was truely awesome! 45 minutes on oil, and the wars it caused, from a British stand-up comedian's perspective.
Stuff the like the peak oil theory is not undisputed, but the general picture, historic facts, remarks on the petro dollar all hold.
and play far a too small role in our media.
Via GussetBlog.

Now i found this today, one day after i spent hours on youtube with
something i had not thought of before - searching for german political stand-up comedians' names. There were quite some results and i had great fun watching them.
All this is to prepare me for a time, soon to come, when i will be without cable tv for the first time since the wall came down, and with even less channels than in gdr times. For reasons on which i intend to elaborate on pretty soon here.
However, back to topic.
It has been striking me for years that the most honest accounts on how this world works, at least in the mass media, all come from comedians.
al franken, john stewart, stephen colbert [neat article here] in the us.
this guy in britain (more names welcome...)
hagen rether, volker pispers, georg schramm in germany.

all of them show so much insight and profound understanding of the big picture. and the guts to utter those truths. it makes you wonder how many percent of your mps have that. not too many i am afraid.
so, for a some time i kept thinking "to what has the world come, that comedians are the only ones showing us truth?"

i soon realized that it has always been like this though, and that it is one of the key features of comedy.
i mean, that's what the king's fool was all about, no?

the internets

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